Zero Bone Loss Concepts, How to Develop and Maintain Crestal Bone Stability?
- 1- Zero bone loss concepts – harmony of biology and implant design factors (1:34:09)
- 2- How to place implants according to Zero bone loss concepts philosophy? (45:15)
- 3- Increasing vertical soft tissue thickness. Subcrestal implant placement (1:37:50)
- 4- Flattening of the bone and tent-pole technique (1:08:53)
- 5- Vertical soft tissue augmentation with various soft tissues grafts (1:08:23)
- 6- How to make safe cemented restorations? (1:59:32)
- 7- Screw-retained Ti-base restorations. Single, angulated, FPDs and full-arch (1:41:07)
- 8- Important aspects of retentive and gingival parts of Ti-bases (54:47)
- 9- Subgingival materials – zirconia, lithium disilicate, porcelain or other? (2:13:14)
- 10- Supragingival materials for implant restorations (40:52)
- 11- Surgical hands-ons. Vertical soft tissue thickening methods (35:30)
- 12- Prosthetic hands-ons. Bite registration material to increase transfer stability (17:11)