Vancouver SCAD Conference 2023
4 Videos
Run time around 12 Hours
What is SCAD?
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) is a life-threatening condition where a tear occurs in the arterial wall of the heart. This tear blocks blood flow and causes a heart attack, sudden cardiac arrest and sometimes death. SCAD can affect otherwise healthy young to middle-age women. Further research is necessary to understand how to best manage and investigate this disease.
Agenda for 2023
Saturday May 6/2023:
- Registration & Lunch
- Welcome & Opening Remarks (Saw)
Introduction & Overview of Heart Disease in Women: Chair – Saw
- Keynote: Spectrum of heart disease in women (Gulati)
- Keynote: What have we learnt from MI histopathology in women (Virmani)
- Overview of COVID-19 impact on MI outcomes (Henry)
- Causes of MINOCA & investigation algorithm (Sedlak)
- Causes of INOCA, investigation & management (Toleva)
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Gulati, Virmani, Henry, Sedlak, Toleva
SCAD: Epidemiology & Predisposing Causes: Chair – Gulati
- History and epidemiology of SCAD (Mulvagh)
- Update on the genetic basis of SCAD (Ganesh)
- Rapid fire overview and update of FMD (Kim)
- Link between FMD and SCAD (Kim)
- Link between hereditary connective tissue disorders & SCAD (Ganesh)
- Link between pregnancy & SCAD (Wood)
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Gulati, Mulvagh, Ganesh, Kim, Wood, Virmani
SCAD: How Do Patients Present? Chair – Wood
- Emotional stress as a trigger for SCAD (Tulloch)
- Physical activity as a trigger for SCAD (Yang)
- Other triggers like sneezing, retching, hormones, cocaine? (Tremmel)
- Clinical presentation with SCAD, women vs men? (Lavoie)
- Is there a link between inflammation & SCAD? (Scott)
- Acute hospital presentation with SCAD (Chou)
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Wood, Tulloch, Tremmel, Lavoie, Aymong, Chou, Scott
Challenging SCAD Cases Session 1: Chair – Lavoie & Asgar (5min case, 5min discussion) (Session for medical professionals only)
- Challenging case #1 (Toleva)
- Challenging case #2 (Wood)
- Challenging case #3 (Madan)
- Day 1 Wrap-Up: Saw
Saturday Afternoon Patient Break-out Sessions: Q&A Discussions
Saturday May 6/2023
Genetics in Families with SCAD: Chair – Santhi Ganesh & Jungin Choi
- Genetic basis of SCAD
- Families with SCAD
- Available genetic studies
Cardiac Rehabilitation after SCAD: Chair – Taira Birnie (VGH SCAD Rehab) & Cathevine Yang
- When can you start exercising post-SCAD?
- What exercises can you be involved with post-SCAD?
- What activities should you avoid post-SCAD?
Sunday May 7/2023
Breakfast & registration
Challenging SCAD Cases Session 2: Chair – Asgar & Toleva (5min case, 5min discussion)
- (Session for medical professionals only)
- Challenging case #4 (Henry)
- Challenging case #5 (Lavoie)
- Challenging case #6 (Tremmel)
SCAD: Diagnosis & Acute SCAD Management: Chair – Virmani
- Diagnosis of SCAD on coronary angiography (Saw)
- When, which, and how to use intracoronary imaging for SCAD (Fung)
- Diagnosis and follow-up of SCAD on cardiac CT (Nicolaou)
- Management decisions with SCAD: conservative vs invasive (Madan)
- PCI strategies with SCAD (Saw)
- CABG strategy with SCAD (Skarsgard)
- Cardiogenic shock & use of mechanical support with SCAD (Asgar)
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Virmani, Fung, Nicolaou, Madan, Skarsgard, Asgar, Henry
SCAD: Long-term Management: Chair – Henry
- What are the risks of pregnancy after a SCAD event? (Scott)
- Screening for FMD & vascular disorders after SCAD (Kim)
- Which SCAD patients should undergo clinical genetic screening? (Ganesh)
- In-hospital & long-term outcomes post-SCAD (Lavoie)
- Medical management of SCAD patients (Ramanathan)
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Henry, Lavoie, Ramanathan, Ganesh, Kim
Controversies in SCAD Management: Chair – Madan
- Left main SCAD, how should we manage? (Henry)
- Role of hormonal replacement therapy post-SCAD? (Tremmel)
- Recurrent chest pains post-SCAD & how to investigate/manage (Sedlak)
- Cardiac arrest presentation with SCAD, when is ICD required? (Andrade)
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Madan, Andrade, Sedlak, Olin, Tremmel, Toleva
Improving healthcare delivery for SCAD patients: Chair – Tremmel
- How should general/nurse practitioners manage SCAD patients after discharge, before they are seen by specialists? (Madan)
- Strategies to raise awareness to mitigate SCAD underdiagnosis (Mulvagh)
- How to test for microvascular dysfunction post-SCAD (Toleva)
- Exercise rehabilitation and physical activities post-SCAD (Birnie)
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Tremmel, Andrade, Madan, Mulvagh, Toleva
Life After SCAD & Patient Perspectives: Chair – Mulvagh
- Depression, migraines & anxiety in patients with SCAD (Pittman-Wagers)
- Psychosocial issues, challenges and needs post-SCAD (Tulloch)
- Patient experience #1
- Patient experience #2
- Patient experience #3
- Panel/Audience Q&A: Saw, Mulvagh, Pittman-Wagers, Tulloch, Madan, Lavoie, Toleva
- Conference Wrap-Up & Meeting Adjourn: Saw
Sunday Morning Patient Break-out Sessions: Q&A Discussions
Sunday May 7/2023
Fibromuscular Dysplasia Workshop for Patients: Chair – Pam Mace (FMDSA), Kim & Olin
- What is FMD?
- Link between FMD and SCAD
- Living with FMD
Chest Pain After SCAD: Chair – Tara Sedlak & Nandita Scott
- How often is chest pain post-SCAD?
- When should testing be done, and which tests?
- How to manage chest pain post-SCAD?
Psychosocial Issues after SCAD: Chair – Heather Tulloch & Pittman-Wagers
- Balancing work, family, life post-SCAD
- Social media & web supports with SCAD
- Psychosocial support after SCAD