The PassMachine Consultation
The PassMachine Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Board Review 2020
The PassMachine Consultation
- 01A Psychiatric Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease I
- 01B Psychiatric Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease II
- 01C Psychiatric Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease III
- 02A Neurology I- Cortical Syndromes
- 02B Neurology II- Movement Disorders & Stroke
- 02C Neurology III- Seizures & Headaches
- 03A Endocrine I- Diabetes Mellitus
- 03B Endocrine II- Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases
- 03C Endocrine III- Parathyroid and Adrenal Diseases, Pheochromocytoma, and Osteoporosis
- 03D Endocrine IV- Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select Endocrine Diseases
- 04A Surgery and Surgical Critical Care I- Role of Psychiatrist and Preoperative Psychiatric Evaluations
- 04B Surgery and Surgical Critical Care II- Preoperative and Perioperative Issues
- 04C Surgery and Surgical Critical Care III- Postoperative Issues, Management of Psychiatric Disorders on Surgical and Intensive Care Units, ICU Delirium, and Burn Patients
- 05A Obstetrics and Gynecology I- Introduction to Obstetrics and Gynecology and Psychiatric Comorbidities in OB_GYN Diseases
- 05B Obstetrics and Gynecology II- Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select OB_GYN Conditions
- 05C Obstetrics and Gynecology III- Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select OB_GYN Conditions
- 06 Rheumatology
- 07A Dermatology I- General Assessment Approaches, General Management Approaches, and Dermatologic Manifestations of Psychiatric Disorders
- 07B Dermatology II- Psychological Factors in Dermatologic Diseases and in Their Treatment, Factitious Disorders, and Prescribing Guidelines
- 08A Heart I- Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select Heart Diseases and Psychiatric Syndromes in Heart Disease
- 08B Heart II- Psychological Factors in Heart Disease and its Treatment and Psychiatric Assessment in the Context of Heart Disease
- 08C Heart III- Psychiatric Management in the Context of Heart Disease and Prescribing Guidelines
- 09A Pain I- Introduction, Epidemiology of Pain Conditions and Scope of Pain-killer Epidemic, Neurobiology, Cognitive and Emotional Factors
- 09B Pain II- Pain Assessment_Pain Scales and Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select Pain Conditions
- 09C Pain III- Psychiatric Comorbidities and Differential Diagnoses, Pharmacologic and Other Somatic Interventions, Psychosocial Treatment Interventions, and Other Topics
- 10A Transplant Psychiatry I- Pre-transplant Evaluation
- 10B Transplant Psychiatry II- Post-transplant Management
- 11A Palliative Medicine I- Introduction to Palliative Medicine and Managing Psychiatric Disorders in the Palliative Setting
- 11B Palliative Medicine II- Psychological Interventions, Spirituality, Working with Families, Interdisciplinary Issues, Grief, Grief Therapy, and Bereavement
- 12A Pulmonary Disorders I- Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select Pulmonary Diseases
- 12B Pulmonary Disorders II- Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select Pulmonary Diseases
- 12C Pulmonary Disorders III- Psychiatric Assessment and Management in the Context of Pulmonary Disease
- 13A Gastrointestinal Disorders I- Assessment and Management of Select GI Syndromes
- 13B Gastrointestinal Disorders II- Hepatitis, Drug Induced Liver Disease and Liver Transplantation
- 13C Gastrointestinal Disorders III- Pancreatic Disorders, Psychiatric Management in Liver Disease and Psychological Factors in GI Diseases
- 14A Legal Issues- Part I
- 14B Legal Issues- Part II
- 15 Ethics and Practice Issues
- 16A Psychoncology I- Psychiatric Syndromes Present in Cancer, Psychological Factors in Cancer and in its treatment, and Psychiatric Assessment
- 16B Psychoncology II- Psychiatric Management in the Context of Cancer, Medication Use and Adverse Effects in Context of Cancer and Psychiatric Morbidity
- 17A Pediatric Psychiatry I- General Psychiatric Assessment and Management Approaches
- 17B Pediatric Psychiatry II- Assessment and Management of Psychosomatic Aspects of Select Pediatric Conditions and Prescribing Guidelines- Psychiatric Management In Context of Neurologic Diseases
- 18A Psychosomatic Topics in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation I- Introduction, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Principles of Cognitive Rehabilitation
- 18B Psychosomatic Topics in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation II- Spinal Cord Injury, Paralysis, and Neuromuscular Condition
- 19 Special Topics for the Psychosomatic Medicine Course
- 20A Hematology I
- 20B Hematology II
- 21A HIV_AIDS I- Basic Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Assessment
- 21B HIV_AIDS II- Psychiatric Management
- 21C HIV_AIDS III- Relevant Psychological Factors and Pharmacologic Issues
- 22A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I- Basic Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Assessment
- 22B Chronic Fatigue Syndrome II- Relevant Psychological Factors, Psychiatric Management, and Pharmacologic Issues
- 23 Fibromyalgia Syndrome
- 24A Assessment I- Consultation Overview, Cultural and Spiritual Issues
- 24B Assessment II- Neuroimaging
- 24C Assessment III- Neuropsychological Testing
- 25A Delirium- Part I
- 25B Delirium- Part II
- 26A Neurocognitive Disorders I- Diagnostic Criteria and Classification
- 26B Neurocognitive Disorders II- Diagnostic Assessment
- 26C Neurocognitive Disorders III- General Management
- 26D Neurocognitive Disorders IV- Review of Alzheimer’s Disease
- 26E Neurocognitive Disorders V- Review of Lewy Body and Vascular Disease
- 26F Neurocognitive Disorders VI- Review of Frontal Temporal NCD and Infectious Diseases
- 26G Neurocognitive Disorders VII- Review of Other Etiologies
- 27 Psychological Reactions to Illness
- 28A Depressive Disorders 1- Clinical Overview & Pathophysiology
- 28B Depressive Disorders 2- Diagnosis and Assessment
- 28C Depressive Disorders 3- Treatment Overview and SSRIs _SNRIs
- 28D Depressive Disorders 4- Antidepressants and ECT
- 28E Depressive Disorders 5- Somatic Treatments and Psychotherapies
- 29A Bipolar Disorders I- Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis, Assessment of Bipolar Disorders and Secondary Bipolar Disorders
- 29B Bipolar Disorders II- Bipolar Disorders in Specific Medical Populations and Management of Bipolar Disorders
- 30A Suicide
- 30B Violence and Aggression
- 31A Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Psychosis I- Epidemiology and Etiologies of Psychosis
- 31B Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Psychosis II- Assessment in the Medically Ill and Psychosis in Specific Medical Populations
- 31C Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Psychosis III- Review of Catatonic Syndrome and Catatonic Syndrome in Specific Medical Populations
- 31D Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Psychosis IV- Review of Specific Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Specific Management Considerations of Psychosis in the Medically Ill
- 32A Anxiety Disorders I- Anxiety Mechanisms and Evaluation
- 32B Anxiety Disorders II- Review of Specific Anxiety Disorders
- 32C Anxiety Disorders III- Secondary Anxiety Disorders
- 32D Anxiety Disorders IV- Anxiety Presentations in Specific Medical Populations
- 32E Anxiety Disorders V- Management of Anxiety
- 32F Anxiety Disorders VI- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- 33A Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
- 33B Factitious Disorder and Malingering
- 34A Eating and Feeding Disorders I- Overview of Eating and Feeding Disorders and Assessment and Screening
- 34B Eating and Feeding Disorders II- Review of Specific Eating and Feeding Disorders- Diagnostic and Clinical Presentations, Epidemiology and Etiologies, Assessment and Management
- 34C Eating and Feeding Disorders III- Specific Eating & Feeding Disorders- Diagnostic & Clinical Presentations, Epidemiology & Etiologies, Assessment & Management and Eating
- 35A Sleep-Wake Disorders I
- 35B Sleep-Wake Disorders II
- 36A Sexual Dysfunctions, Gender Dysphoria, Paraphilic Disorders I- Normal Sexual Function and Age-Related Changes, General Assessment Approaches and General Management Approaches
- 36B Sexual Dysfunctions, Gender Dysphoria, Paraphilic Disorders II- Specific Sexual Dysfunction Disorders, Specific Medical Populations, Gender Dysphoria and Paraphilic Disorders
- 37A Substance-related and Addictive Disorders I- Overview of Substance Related Disorders and Assessment in the Medically Ill
- 37B Substance-related and Addictive Disorders II- Review of Alcohol Sedative Use Disorders
- 37C Substance-related and Addictive Disorders III- Review of Opioid Use Disorders and Review of Stimulant Use Disorders
- 37D Substance-related and Addictive Disorders IV- Nicotine Use Disorders, Cannabis Use Disorders, Other Drugs of Abuse and Impaired Health Care Providers
- 38A Psychopharmacology I- Pharmacokinetics
- 38B Psychopharmacology II- Pharmacodynamics
- 38C Psychopharmacology III- Adverse Drug Reactions and Pregnancy-Related Issues
- 38D Psychopharmacology IV- Prescribing Cautions and Drug-Drug Interactions
The PassMachine Consultation The PassMachine Consultation