The Denver Comprehensive Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Board Review Course 2022
The Denver Comprehensive Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Board Review Course 2022 Our Review Course in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) is a live educational activity designed for practitioners and residents seeking a comprehensive review of all aspects of OMS in preparation for ABOMS examinations. The course emphasizes evidence-based practices of all areas of OMS.
The depth in didactic material from lectures and manuals, supplemented by case format presentations and mock examinations, is intended to fully prepare surgeons and residents for their specialty certifying examinations.
- As one of the longest running OMS review courses, we take great pride in providing participants with a second to none educational experience based on previous course evaluations, input from the country’s foremost expert leaders, a dedicated advisory committee, and a review of current issues and needs in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Our faculty are world renown educators, in which most are past examiners for ABOMS.
- Include: 25 videos + 1 pdf, size: 7.41 GB
- Target Audience: surgerist, oral and maxillofacial physician
1 Dento-alveolar Surgery Surgical Techniques and Management of Surgical Complications.mp4
2 Office and OR Anesthesia, Monitoring Anesthesia Agents, and Recovery.mp4
3 Indications, Techniques and Complications of Dental Implantology.mp4
4 Fascial Space Infections and Routes of Spread.mp4
5 Orthognathic Surgery Planning, Surgical Approaches and Follow-up.mp4
6 Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Patient Selection, Various Approaches, Avoidance of Complications.mp4
7 Cleft Lip, Palate and Alveolar Cleft Surgery Timing, Surgical Approaches and Outcomes.mp4
8 Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Patient Selection, Review of Nonsurgical and Surgical Options, and Surgical Techniques.mp4
9 Oral Cancer and Sarcomas Biopsies Techniques, Staging, Surgery, Adjuvant Radiation and Chemotherapy.mp4
10 Oral Cancer and Sarcomas Biopsies Techniques, Staging, Surgery, Adjuvant Radiation and Chemotherapy.mp4
11 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors Diagnosis, Palliative and Curative Surgeries, Reconstruction.mp4
12 Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors Diagnosis, Palliative and Curative Surgeries, Reconstruction.mp4
13 Benign Bone-Forming Tumors.mp4
14 Salivary Gland Tumors Diagnosis, Surgeries, and Reconstruction.mp4
15 Salivary Gland Tumors Diagnosis, Surgeries, and Reconstruction.mp4
16 Fibro-osseous and Bone Tumors Diagnosis, Surgical and Nonsurgical Management.mp4
17 Microvascular and Microneural Reconstruction of Tumor and Trauma Related Defects.mp4
18 Autogenous Bone Harvesting and Grafting, Today’s Tissue Engineered Grafts.mp4
19 Medicine, Medical Management, Medical Emergencies, Medical Diseases, Medical Treatments.mp4
20 Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorders Imaging, Nonsurgical Management, Patient Selection and Treatment Approaches.mp4
21 Workup of Trauma Patients – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Sof.mp4
22 Mandible Fractures – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Soft Tissu.mp4
23 Mid Face Trauma.mp4
24 Frontal Sinus – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Soft Tissue Inj.mp4
25 Pan Facial – Trauma Emergency Management, Mandibular, Midface, and Leforte Fractures, Management of Soft Tissue Injuri.mp4