The Electrophysiology in the West conference provides a comprehensive overview of the science and therapy of heart rhythm disorders, provided by world-renowned experts in a concise and exciting format. Plenary sessions will focus on the expanding role of digital health, wearables and other disruptive technologies in arrhythmia management.
Rapid fire sessions including audience participation will include in depth exploration of new advances in the mechanisms of cardiac fibrillation and inherited arrhythmias. Divided into three parallel tracks, the symposium is designed to meet individual learner needs to improve their base of knowledge and to promote effective management of cardiac arrhythmia by all members of the healthcare team.
- Specialties – Cardiovascular Health
- Professions – Advance Practice Nurse (APN), Fellow/Resident, Nurse, Physician, Registered Nurse (RN)
- Outline current evidence regarding the basic mechanisms of arrhythmia and emerging therapies for cardiac fibrillation.
- Utilize key clinical criteria to identify, screen and refer appropriate patients who may benefit from catheter ablation.
- Develop strategies to manage patients prior to catheter ablation based on current guidelines.
- Manage patients with atrial fibrillation according to current clinical evidence and guideline recommendations.
- Integrate effective strategies for preventing atrial fibrillation and stroke in high risk patients.
Allied Health AI in Electrophysiology.mp4
Allied Health AI in Electrophysiology.pdf
Allied Health Antiarrhythmics for Non-EP Providers.mp4
Allied Health Antiarrhythmics for Non-EP Providers.pdf
Allied Health Cardiac Behavioral Medicine.mp4
Allied Health Cardiac Behavioral Medicine.pdf
Allied Health How I Manage PVC VT Patient.mp4
Allied Health How I Manage PVC VT Patient.pdf
Allied Health How to Recoginize Signs and Symptoms of Inherited Arrhythmias at Bedside.mp4
Allied Health Managing Patients with CIED at the Bedside.mp4
Allied Health Managing Patients with CIED at the Bedside.pdf
Allied Health Pacing 101 (include Leadless).mp4
Allied Health Pacing 101 (include Leadless).pdf
Allied Health Recognizing and Managing Arrhythmia Emergancies.mp4
Allied Health Recognizing and Managing Arrhythmia Emergancies.pdf
Allied Health Using Wearable and Implantable Devices to Guide Clinical Management in Patients with Arrhythmia Disorders.pdf
Allied Health When is LA Closure Device an Option.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Cognition and Artial Fibrillation.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Cognition and Artial Fibrillation.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage AF Patients with Rate and Rhythm Control (Including EAST-AFNET4).mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage AF Patients with Rate and Rhythm Control (Including EAST-AFNET4).pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Arrhythmias in Patients with Adult Congential Heart Disease.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Arrhythmias in Patients with Adult Congential Heart Disease.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Device Detected AF and Anticoagulation Indications.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Device Detected AF and Anticoagulation Indications.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Long QT Syndrome and Inherited Arrhythmia Disorders.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Long QT Syndrome and Inherited Arrhythmia Disorders.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Patients with Frequent PVCs.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Patients with Frequent PVCs.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage Patients with Syncope.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage to Use Digital Health for my Arrhythmia.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Manage to Use Digital Health for my Arrhythmia.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases How I Select Patients and Manage Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Ablation (Including Clinical Trails such as CASTLE-HF, RAAFT-2).mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Recognizing and Managing Arrhythmia Emergencies.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Recognizing and Managing Arrhythmia Emergencies.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Role of Surgery for Arrhythmia Treatment.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Who Should get a Pacemaker, Shoud it be Leadless, and How to Manage Them.pdf
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Who should get an ICD or CRTD and How to Manage them.mp4
Arrhythmia Management through Cases Who should get an ICD or CRTD and How to Manage them.pdf
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Can Professional Societies Advocate for Patients and Providers.mp4
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Can Professional Societies Advocate for Patients and Providers.pdf
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Can We Treat Complex Arrhythmias Early, Before They Advance.mp4
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Can We Treat Complex Arrhythmias Early, Before They Advance.pdf
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Digital twins of cardiac electrophysiology for congenital heart disease.mp4
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Digital twins of cardiac electrophysiology for congenital heart disease.pdf
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Panel Discussion.mp4
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Panel Discussion.pdf
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Towards Cures for Cardiac Fibrillation.mp4
Future of Ventricular and Atrial Fibrillation Therapy Towards Cures for Cardiac Fibrillation.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Fibrosis and AF Progression Cause or Consequence.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Fibrosis and AF Progression Cause or Consequence.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Genetic risk factors for life threatening arrhythmias in cardiomyopathy.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Genetic risk factors for life threatening arrhythmias in cardiomyopathy.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation- Mechanistic Insights.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation- Mechanistic Insights.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Panel Discussion.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk AI for Improving Patient Selection in EP.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk AI for Improving Patient Selection in EP.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Atrial Arrhythmias in Congenital Heart Disease.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Atrial Arrhythmias in Congenital Heart Disease.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Clinical Trial Update in AF, What Is Needed Next.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Clinical Trial Update in AF, What Is Needed Next.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Educating Patients on Innovations.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Educating Patients on Innovations.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Epicardial Hybrid VT Ablation.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Epicardial Hybrid VT Ablation.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Genetic Big Data in EP.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Genetic Big Data in EP.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Interplay from VT to VF.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk IPSc for modeling Drug-ProArrhythmia.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Key Trials for VT VF What is Needed Next.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Key Trials for VT VF What is Needed Next.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Machine Learning for Ventricular Arrhythmias.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Machine Learning for Ventricular Arrhythmias.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Putting the Patient first in AF and Arrhythmia Care.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk Putting the Patient first in AF and Arrhythmia Care.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk VT in Congenital Heart Disease.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk VT in Congenital Heart Disease.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk What do Surgical Inverventions in AF Teach Us.mp4
Ventricular Fibrilliation Speed Talk What do Surgical Inverventions in AF Teach Us.pdf
Ventricular Fibrilliation Translating Genomic and Cellular Mechanisms to Arrhythmia Diagnosis and Therapy.mp4