Sinus Grafting for Implant Reconstruction
The Sinus Grafting for Implant Reconstruction training course, which is led by Dr. Michael A. Pikos, is now available online and provides a rich experience in the lateral wall and at the top of the sinuses. With over 30 years of experience and a remarkable history of over 1400 lateral walls and hundreds of crestal sinuses grafts, Dr. Pikos will assist you in every aspect of this intricate procedure.
- Pikos Institute Philosophy of sinus bone grafting.
- Sequential 3D digital diagnostic evaluation protocol for predictable sinus bone grafting.
- 7 key principles and algorithms for science based, predictable sinus bone grafting.
- Biology and wound healing of sinus bone grafting.
- Comparison of autografts, allografts, xenografts and alloplasts as graft materials for sinus bone grafting.
- Indications and step by step surgical protocol for sinus bone grafting – lateral and crestal approach.
- Comprehensive long term case presentations (10-20+years).
- Growth factor technology (L-PRF, PRGF, PRP, rhPDGF, rhBMP-2) in conjunction with sinus bone grafting.
- Risk management issues related to sinus bone grafting.
- Sinus bone grafting in the presence of thickened sinus membranes, polyps and mucous retention cysts.
- Comprehensive recognition, management, and treatment of intraoperative, early and late postoperative complications.
20 hours lecture AGD Subject code: 690, 3 hours participation AGD
At the completion of this course, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the Pikos Institute Philosophy for sinus bone grafting as they become confident with the clinical and sequential CBCT evaluation protocol.
- Understand the indications, guidelines and surgical protocols for sinus bone grafting: lateral and crestal approach.
- Perform sinus bone grafting with delayed and simultaneous implant placement.
- Understand the anatomy, biology and wound healing of sinus bone grafting.
- Recognize, manage and prevent intraoperative and postoperative complications associated with sinus bone grafting.

23 CE Hrs
Learn Practice-changing Protocols, Concepts, Materials, Tips and More!
Lateral Wall Approach | Crestal Approach | Sinus Membrane Perforation Repair | Prevent & Manage Complications | CBCT Evaluation | Delayed & Simultaneous Implant Placement | Bioactive Modifiers
Learn and perform the best practices for the best predictable outcomes and never abort a sinus case again due to a perforated sinus membrane, with Dr. Michael A. Pikos’ proven technique for immediate sinus membrane repair.
Take home the best of “what works, what doesn’t and why” derived from Dr. Pikos’ more than 1600 sinus grafts performed over 34+ years. By taking this course you will acquire enduring skills to confidently provide perhaps the most frequently required treatment for implant site development.
Includes Hands-on Workshop & Live Surgery
Understand the 7 key principles for predictable sinus bone grafting.
- Describe the science and art of sinus bone grafting via unique interactive lecture discussion, HD video clips, hands on workshops and live surgical demonstration.
- Learn from Dr. Pikos’ 34 years of experience with sinus bone grafting (more than 1600 sinus grafts performed).
- Experience a warm, friendly and unique environment for increasing diagnostic and surgical skill sets.
- Learn not just the “how to”, but the “why” and “why not”.
23 Credit Hours
- This 16-module master’s degree is intended to provide you with a scientifically-based approach that combines artistry and science. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the process of sinus grafting, including topics related to the digital evaluation of CBCT cases, anatomical and biological aspects of sinuses, incision line management, flap creation, and the development of bioactive materials, as well as recombinant proteins. The course also has a special emphasis on the Pikos Sinus Membrane Repair Technique, protocols for the surgical procedure are included that focus on both the lateral wall and the crestal sinus.
- Other than the technical aspects of sinus grafting, this course contains modules dedicated to preventing and treating early and late postoperative complications, infections, and pathology.
- Taking this class will grant you access to exclusive webinars led by Dr. Pikos annually, these webinars provide additional information, updates, and opportunities for interaction. With over 50 videos and 1400 slides, which are part of the 16 modules, the Sinus Grafting for Implant Reconstruction course provides visual aides that will support your learning journey. This training program grants you 25 hours of additional education (CE), which will expand your knowledge and help you to grow professionally.
- Join the Sinus Grafting for Implant Reconstruction training and unleash your full potential. Invest in your professional growth and take the implant reconstruction method to a new level.