SCCT2022 is the premier meeting focused on cardiovascular CT. SCCT2022 is designed to engage physicians, trainees, technologists and healthcare professionals in a complete overview of the cardiovascular CT field. Planned sessions are targeted for all levels – new practitioners and experienced providers alike. Sessions also range from general overviews to state-of-the-art research and expert discussions.
SCCT 2022 On Demand (VIDEOS)
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SCCT 2022 On Demand (VIDEOS)
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SCCT 2022 On Demand (VIDEOS)
SCCT2022 is the premier meeting focused on cardiovascular CT. SCCT2022 is designed to engage physicians, trainees, technologists and healthcare professionals in a complete overview of the cardiovascular CT field. Planned sessions are targeted for all levels – new practitioners and experienced providers alike. Sessions also range from general overviews to state-of-the-art research and expert discussions.
- Join us for sessions on structural heart disease, congenital heart disease, guidelines and trials, AI/Machine learning, technical aspects of cardiac CT, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, debates and games and early career topics.
- SCCT2022 will have a tight knit community feel, where no one is a stranger. Visit the exhibit hall where you can see the latest cardiac CT technology, join in the discussions in the poster area, network with colleagues and create new relationships.
Program :
- Opening Session – SCCT2022
- Current status of multimodality imaging in patients with suspected stable CAD
- On the cutting edge: Trending technology
- CT 101 Bootcamp
- Updates on the role of CAC and CTA in clinical trials
- Aortic valve: TAVR
- AI and machine learning: Next gen coronary imaging
- Young Investigator Awards
- Great debates in cardiac CT
- Mitral valve: TMVR
- Advocacy – SCCT2022
- Global challenges for cardiovascular CT
- Novel Technologies – SCCT2022
- Critical appraisal of global Chest Pain Guidelines
- Non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy and arteritis
- Cardiovascular CT for EP
- What to know as a CCT trainee and ECP!
- Cardiac CT assessment in non-chest pain patients
- AI and CCT: In real-world practice
- Women in cardiovascular disease
- Imaging congenital heart disease: A practical primer
- Ask Siri: Cardiac CT and current events – A roundtable discussion
- Overcoming technical challenges in CCTA
- Vascular: Aorta to aZygos
- Right heart congenital defects pre & post intervention
- What can we add to coronary stenosis in clinical practice?
- SCCTechnologist forum: A team approach to cardiac CT practice
- AI and CCT: Beyond the hype
- Coronary calcium in 2022
- Cutting edge coronary atherosclerosis imaging
- Common issues in structural heart disease
- Closing Session – SCCT2022
Release Date ; 14-17 July 2022
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