QMP Current Approaches to FUE and FUT Hair Transplantation
By Jamil Asaria, MD, FRCSC
QMP Current Approaches to FUE and FUT Hair Transplantation Hair restoration surgery requires a dedicated and skilled team of technicians to assist the surgeon in graft preparation and implantation and their role in the procedure is highlighted. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique are discussed, as well as considerations for technique selection to tailor a treatment plan for each patient, maximizing successful outcomes.
Join Dr. Asaria as he provides a wealth of tips and tricks covering hair restoration techniques. Topics include: patient selection and consultation, minimizing complications, and improving patient safety and satisfaction. Each technique is meticulously demonstrated and narrated in step-by-step fashion, including markings, hairline design, anesthesia infiltration, harvest, graft preparation and implantation, and postoperative patient instructions and results.
Over two hours of operative video!
Beautifully illustrated to demonstrate anatomy and technique!
Case 1: Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) with strip excision technique
Case 2: Follicular unit excision (FUE) technique, harvesting grafts one by one
Available in HD Streaming format. Over 2 hours of operative video. 2023.