Preservation Rhinoplasty France 2020 (French)
This congress brought together the masters of the preservation rhinoplasty surgery.
Dr. Gerbault made several presentations including a masterclass on the use of ultrasonic instruments in rhinoplasty for preservation and stabilization of the nose after this type of surgery.
A practical training course will take place this summer under the supervision of Drs Gerbault, Saban, Cakir, Pálházi and Goksel.
- Include: 3 videos, size: 25.6 GB
- Target Audience: cosmetic physician
- Topics:
- Preservation Rhinoplasty Day 1 AM.mp4
- Preservation Rhinoplasty Day 1 PM.mp4
- Preservation Rhinoplasty Day 2.mp4
- Include: 3 videos, size: 25.6 GB
- Target Audience: cosmetic physician