Integrate an osteopathic treatment approach for management of craniomandibular dysfunction with Dr. Nick Rainey – An American board certified clinical specialist in osteopathic physical therapy!
Acquire proficiency in the most relevant and efficient osteopathic manipulative techniques used for addressing temporomandibular disorders (TMD), posture issues, and headaches.
Within the course, you will learn in detail:
- Diagnostic protocols for orofacial pain and pain related to temporomandibular disorders (TMD)
- Diagnostic protocols for occlusal pathology related to posture
- Diagnosing and classifying of different types of headaches
- Protocols for manipulative therapy in various clinical cases
- Treatment strategies for TMD and migraine.
Presented By: Nick Rainey
6 Videos – Duration: 4 hours & 26 min – Files size: 1.5 GB