Open Rhinoplasty Techniques, Volume 2
By Nazim Cerkes, MD
Dr. Cerkes demonstrates his technique for performing primary and secondary open rhinoplasty procedures. Cases include preoperative markings and discussion of the presenting problem. Step-by-step operative technique demonstrates local anesthetic infilltration, incision, dissection, harvest and placement of grafts, closure, and postoperative dressing. Postoperative results are included for some cases.
Includes 5 cases and over 8 hours of operative video!
DVD 1:
Primary Rhinoplasty: Dorsum Reduction and Shortening of Long Nose
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Structural Reconstruction Using Rib Cartilage
DVD 2:
Primary Rhinoplasty: Dorsum Reduction, Dorsum Narrowing, and Tip Refinement
DVD 3:
Structural Reconstruction and Elongation of Short Nose Using Rib Cartilage
DVD 4:
Primary Rhinoplasty: Correction of Crooked Nose