OHI-S Сhallenges of the All-On-4 Total Rehabilitation
This course will review the objectives, as well as the evidencebased principles of the ALL-ON-4 Treatment Concept to restore complete edentulous and failing dentition cases, followed by the discussion of the most recent advancements that this technique has gone through.
The new products developed to overcome the challenges of restoring the atrophic jaws will also be presented, comprehending a wide range of solutions since zygomatic to short implants, along with other implant design innovations, emphasizing its importance to the success of this treatment and providing clinical examples to its application.
Course Objectives:
– Review the detailed protocols of work in the ALL-ON-4 concept (implantation, prosthetics, technical aspects, maintenance therapy)
– Compare the ALL-ON-4 Protocols and traditional methods of treatment of complete adentia
– Review the use of instruments and implants in ALL-ON-4 concept
– Review the choice of prosthesis depending on the clinical case
– Analyze numerous clinical cases.
Skills I will learn in the course
Treatment methods
Immediate insertion denture prosthetics
Implant prothetics
Provisional prosthetics
Complete adentia
Complete adentia
General questions
Digital Implantology
Treatment methods
Professional oral hygiene procedure
Lab part of All-on-4