Professional, Business, and OR Management Issues 2021 Module 7 (CME VIDEOS)
- Group/Hospital Alignment: What Does Your Hospital Expect from Your Group?
Mark Hudson, MD, MBA - Benchmarking Anesthesiologist Productivity
Mark Hudson, MD, MBA - Quality and Safety Management in Anesthesiology
Dan Sullivan, MD, JD, MBA - Managing the Medical Staff Office
Dan Sullivan, MD, JD, MBA - Lessons Learned in Perioperative Management
Joseph Quinlan, MD - Utilizing Performance Frontiers to Optimize OR Efficiency
Mitchell H. Tsai, MD, MMM, FASA, FAACD - The Role of the Anesthesia Clinical Director
Kim Cantees, MD, MBA - Response to Public Safety Disasters
Shawn T. Beaman, MD, FASA - Managing the Problematic Physician
David G. Metro, MD, FASA and Heather Reading - Physician Well-Being
Phillip Adams, DO