Introduction to Adult Echocardiography Online Course is designed as a comprehensive program relating to performing and interpreting an adult echocardiography examination based on ASE practice guidelines. This interactive, online course is divided into eighteen (18) modules and includes online video lectures, case presentations, and post-activity quizzes.
- Increase the participant’s knowledge to better perform and/or interpret Echocardiography examinations.
- Demonstrate proper transducer manipulation and system optimization to produce diagnostic images (sonographer) and recognize potential imaging errors (Physician).
- Demonstrate routine scan protocols to evaluate an adult patient using 2D/M-Mode/Color Flow & Doppler echocardiographic techniques.
- Perform standard 2D, m-mode and Doppler measurements.
- Identify normal/abnormal characteristics of 2D cardiac anatomy.
- State the role of cardiac Doppler and list the necessary qualitative/quantitative measurements.
- Identify the ultrasound findings associated with valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathies, ischemic heart disease, pericardial disease and cardiac masses.
- List the latest imaging techniques in quantification of right and left ventricle wall motion. Document findings and apply standardized guidelines during compilation of an Echocardiography worksheet (sonographer) and dictated report (Physician).
- List the steps necessary for system optimization during contrast echo imaging.
- Increase confidence to incorporate protocols, techniques & interpretation criteria to improve diagnostic/treatment accuracy.
- Ultrasound Imaging Fundamentals: The Basics
- Introduction to 2D/M-Mode Adult Echocardiography
- Introduction to Cardiac Doppler Ultrasound
- Echocardiographic Evaluation of Mitral and Aortic Valve Heart Disease
- Doppler Evaluation of Mitral and Aortic Valve Heart Disease
- Echo Eval of Right Heart Disease
- Evaluation of Pericardial Effusions and Cardiac Masses
- Echocardiographic Evaluation of Cardiomyopathies
- Echocardiographic Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
- Echocardiographic Evaluation of Diastolic Function
- Contrast Echocardiograph