*Welcome Introduction I & HFSA Introduction
*Welcome Introduction II
*Welcome Introduction III
*Cardiac Transplantation
1-Advanced HF- Defining the Phenotype and Patient Selection for Advanced Therapies
2-Heart Transplant, Clinical Outcomes and Complications
3-Immunology- The Basics, PRA, Sensitization, Crossmatch
4-Managing Immunosuppression and Drugs
5-Rejection- Cellular and Antibody Mediated
*Heart Failure Fundamentals
1-Cardio-Oncology for the HF Boards
2-Clinico-Pathologic Correlates in HF Images for the HF Boards
3-Device Therapy in Heart Failure
4-Diagnosis and Clinical Assessment
5-Heart Failure Epidemiology and Risk Factors
6-Pathophysiology I- Cellular and Energetic Considerations
7-Pathophysiology II- Hemodynamic, Structural, and Neurohormonal Considerations
*Key Issues in Heart Failure Management
1-Drug Therapy for Chronic HF I
2-Drug Therapy for Chronic HF II
3-Hemodynamics in HF I
4-Hemodynamics in HF II
5-HFpEF- Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Management (for the boards)
6-Management of Common Arrhythmias in HF (including AF)
7-Management of Comorbidities in Heart Failure
8-Management of the Hospitalized HF Patient
*Shock MCS
1-Cardiogenic Shock Management
2-MCS I- Durable MCS Devices and Outcomes
3-MCS II- Temporary Support Devices and ECMO for the Boards
4-MCS III- MCS Complications and Patient Management
5-MCS IV- Troubleshooting (with HARVI)
*Special Topics in Heart Failure
1-Assessment of Functional Capacity Including Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
2-Issues in Chronic HF Disease Management
3-Management of Valvular Heart Disease in Heart Failure
4-Pulmonary Hypertension
5-Specific Etiologies of HF I- Common Etiologies (CAD, ETOH, Peripartum, Myocarditis)
*Specific Heart Failure Symptoms
1-Adult Congenital Heart Disease for the HF Specialist
2-Specific Etiologies of HF II- Inherited HF Syndromes
3-Specific Etiologies of HF III
*Q&A Panel I
*Q&A Panel II