Harvard Testosterone Therapy and Sexual Dysfunction February 17-18, 2023
- Testosterone therapy has been controversial since it first became available in the 1930s. Today, we know that not only do men with testosterone deficiency suffer from a variety of troubling sexual and non-sexual symptoms, but also that there are important health risks associated with untreated testosterone deficiency, including obesity, decreased bone mineral density and increased mortality. We now have level 1 evidence that testosterone therapy provides valuable benefits to men and women, and numerous medical societies have published guidelines endorsing the use of testosterone therapy.
- Yet there remains a poor knowledge base among physicians and considerable misunderstanding of testosterone therapy, its benefits and its risks! There is confusion as to who is a candidate, how to make the diagnosis, how to treat and what are the actual risks, including cardiovascular and prostate cancer.
I have been researching and publishing on this topic for over 40 years, while gaining extensive clinical experience in my medical practice as the founder of the first comprehensive men’s health center in the US. My work has helped transform our understanding of the relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer, and it has been gratifying to see the field evolve as ideas once considered “dangerous” have now become mainstream as the implications of that research have been widely accepted.
- I am delighted to be able to offer this course, addressing not only testosterone issues but also a number of sexual health problems. These are common issues encountered by healthcare providers treating men and women every day. Even though sexual complaints are common, this is often a daunting and mysterious area for most providers. The superb faculty and I will provide a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to these issues, combined with pearls from clinical experience, so that you will be able to return to your practice with improved comfort and confidence to effectively help your patients with testosterone deficiency and other sexual concerns.
Friday, February 17, 2023
8:00am – 8:15am Introduction and Welcome Morgentaler
8:15am – 8:35am The Importance of Testosterone in Men’s Health Morgentaler
8:35am – 8:55am History of Testosterone Therapy: Where We Have Been Traish
and Where We Are Going
8:55am – 9:25am What’s in a Name? Understanding the Terminology Morgentaler
9:25am – 9:40am Is it Low T or Natural Aging: Physiology and Pathophysiology Traish
of Testosterone Deficiency
9:40am – 10:00am REFRESHMENT BREAK
10:00am – 10:45am Impact of Testosterone Deficiency: Health Consequences Traish
10:45am – 11:15am Navigating a Sea of Guidelines: What You Need to Know Campbell
11:15am – 12:00pm Who is a Candidate? The Marriage of Guidelines and Morgentaler
Clinical Experience for Testosterone Therapy
12:00pm – 1:00pm LUNCH BREAK
1:00pm – 1:45pm How to Treat: Injections, Topicals, Pellets, Orals, Nasal Morgentaler
1:45pm – 2:25pm Prostate Cancer and BPH Risks: What’s the Truth?* Morgentaler
2:25pm – 2:55pm Addressing Cardiovascular Disease Risks* Traish
2:55pm – 3:15pm REFRESHMENT BREAK
3:15pm – 3:30pm Other Risks and Their Management: Morgentaler
Case-Based Interactive Session
3:30pm – 4:00pm Managing Testosterone Deficiency in Men Wishing to Campbell
Preserve Fertility: Effective and Safe Interventions*
4:00pm – 4:45pm Management of Complex Clinical Cases: A Case-Based Morgentaler
Saturday, February 18, 2023
7:30am – 8:00am BREAKFAST
8:00am – 8:40am How to Evaluate and Treat Men with Erectile Campbell
Dysfunction: Pills, Injections, Surgery, and More
8:40am – 9:00am New and Cutting-Edge Treatments for ED: Campbell
Low-Intensity Shock Wave Therapy and PRP
9:00am – 9:30am Keynote: Testosterone, Science and Human Dignity Morgentaler
9:30am – 9:50am REFRESHMENT BREAK
9:50am – 10:10am Evaluation and Management of Peyronie’s Disease Campbell
10:10am – 10:40am Premature and Delayed Ejaculation: Recommendations Campbell
for Optimal Care
10:40am – 11:10am History of Testosterone Therapy in Women Traish
11:10am – 11:40am Bringing it All Together: Questions and Discussion Panel
11:40am – 12:40pm LUNCH BREAK
12:40pm – 1:10pm How to Diagnose Testosterone Deficiency in Women Rubin
1:10pm – 1:55pm How to Treat Women with Testosterone Rubin
1:55pm – 2:25pm Non-medical Treatment of Low Libido in Men and Women Brandon
2:25pm – 2:45pm REFRESHMENT BREAK
2:45pm – 3:15pm Why Treatment Fails: What Your Patient Isn’t Telling You* Brandon
3:15pm – 3:45pm Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Rubin
3:45pm – 4:15pm Other Female Sexual Dysfunctions Rubin
4:15pm – 4:20pm STRETCH
4:20pm – 4:50pm The Future of Sex: Technology’s Increasing Impact on Brandon
4:50pm – 5:20pm Questions and Discussion Panel
Updated 1/10/2023