Harvard Primary Care Pediatrics 2023
Welcome Remarks
Joanne Wolfe, MD, MPH
Physician in Chief, Mass General for Children; Chair, Department of Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospital
Pediatric Pulmonology: The Lung and Short of It
Ben Nelson, MD
Primary Care for Preterm Infants and Children
Janice Lowe, MD & Jadene Wong, MD
Coffee Break
Lael Yonker, MD
Lunch Break
Cliniopathological Conference: Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital for the New England Journal of Medicine
CPC Panel – Moderated by Kathy Tran
Endocrine Cases
Rachel Whooten, MD
Coffee Break
Breakout Session #1: Office Emergencies – BE PREPARED*
Ari Cohen, MD
Breakout Session #2: ENT Cases
Leila Mankarious, MD, Donald Keamy, MD, & Gillian Diercks, MD
Break out Session #3: Demystifying PCOS in Adolescence
Julia Potter, MD
*This session will be recorded and available for virtual attendees
Gun Violence
Peter Masiakos, MD, MS
Updates in RSV Infection
Chadi El Saleeby, MD
Coffee Break
Paying Attention to ADHD
Timothy Wilens, MD
Lunch Break
Environmental Allergies
Paul Hesterberg, MD
Challenging Issues in Pediatric Gastroenterology
Victoria Martin, MD & Christopher Moran, MD
Coffee Break
Breakout Session #1: Management of Hypertension: A Practical Approach for the Primary Care Physician
Weizhen Tan, MD
Breakout Session #2: Hematologic Cases
Lauren Boal, MD
Breakout Session #3: Pediatric Depression: Clinical Pearls and New Research Insights*
Mai Uchida, MD
*This session will be recorded and available for virtual attendees
Practical Approach to Management of Pediatric Obesity in 2023
Vibha Singhal, MD
Keeping Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome Healthy
Brian Skotko, MD, MPP
Coffee Break
Prevention/Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose in Teens and Young Adults
Scott Hadland, MD, MPH
Pediatric Dermatology: A Panoply of Practical and Puzzling Patients from Private Practice: Part 17
Ira Skolnik, MD