The Comprehensive Primary Care Update
Updates Across All Major Areas of Primary Care and Guidance to Incorporate Them into Practice for State-of-the-Art Patient Care
Primary Care Internal Medicine will be held online this year, using live streaming, electronic Q&A, and other remote learning technologies.
Harvard PRIMARY CARE INTERNAL MEDICINE This program provides a comprehensive and action-focused update of the most important changes and advances impacting front-line clinicians in primary care practice. Led by Harvard’s leading clinical faculty— representing more than 30 fields of medicine—you will receive comprehensive updates across the full spectrum of primary care medicine, including optimized approaches to patients with complex medical needs, along with guidance to incorporate them into everyday clinical practice.
What you’ll learn
- State-of-the-art approaches to the most frequent primary care clinical challenges
- Optimal diagnosis, treatment, and clinical outcomes for complex office-based practice
- Practice management, reimbursement, self-care
- Knowledge Advancement and Skills Development Workshops
8:00am to 8:55am Introduction and Welcome—Primary Care: A Future Rooted in
the Past, the Role of Evidence and Expertise
John D. Goodson, MD and Richard J. Pels, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
8:55am to 9:00am Break
9:00am to 9:55am Advanced Treatment Choices for Ischemic Heart Disease
Eric M. Isselbacher, MD
9:55am to 10:00am Break
10:00am to 10:55am Immunotherapy: A New Paradigm in Cancer—Key Things to
Know in Primary Care
Kerry L. Reynolds, MD
10:55am to 11:10am Break
11:10am to 12:05pm Workshop Sessions A
A1 Therapeutic Approaches to the Knee
Arun J. Ramappa, MD
A2 Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation
Gerald W. Smetana, MD
A3 Lifelong Management of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
Donald J. Meyer, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
A4 Tick-Borne Diseases
Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, DO
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
Monday, October 17, 2022
Morning Sessions
Case-Based Workshop Sessions A1 – A4
Internal Medicine
Live Streaming • Oct 17 – 21, 2022
12:05pm to 12:20pm Break
12:20pm to 1:15pm Setting Boundaries to Sustain Ourselves as Clinicians:
Lessons Learned in 2022
Susannah G. Rowe, MD, MPH
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
1:15pm to 1:45pm Break
1:45pm to 2:40pm Advanced Practice Management
Christine Sinsky, MD, MACP
2:40pm to 2:45pm Break
2:45pm to 3:40pm Persistent Heartburn, Dysphagia, and Dyspepsia: Practical,
Cost-Effective Approach
Vlaicu Alin Botoman, MD
3:40pm to 3:55pm Break
3:55pm to 4:50pm Outpatient ID in Primary Care
Benjamin Davis, MD
4:50pm to 5:05pm Break
5:05pm to 6:00pm Workshop Sessions B
B1 Evaluating and Managing Patients with Irritable Bowel
Lawrence F. Borges, MD, MPH
B2 Thyroid Disease
Douglas S. Ross, MD
B3 Breast/Ovarian Cancer Risk Assessment
Nadine M. Tung, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
B4 GYN Case Studies
Carey M. York-Best, MD
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
Afternoon Sessions
Case-Based Workshop Sessions B1 – B4
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
8:00am to 8:55am Hypertension: Controversies, Challenges, and Treatment
John D. Goodson, MD
8:55am to 9:00am Break
9:00am to 9:55am Managing Menopause amid Controversy
Jan L. Shifren, MD
9:55am to 10:00am Break
10:00am to 10:55am Dementia
Andrew E. Budson, MD
10:55am to 11:10am Break
11:10am to 12:05pm Workshop Sessions C
C1 Biases and Behaviors in Clinical Practice: Strategies for
Maintaining Balance and Poise
Jennifer E. Potter, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
C2 Unraveling the Mysteries of Abnormal LFTs
Lawrence S. Friedman, MD
C3 Fluid and Electrolyte Abnormalities
Jeffrey H. William, MD
C4 What Primary Care Clinicians Need to Know about
Biomodulators for Inflammatory and Autoimmune Disease
Shiv Sehra, MD
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
12:05pm to 12:20pm Break
12:20pm to 1:15pm Lipid Management
Jorge Plutzky, MD
1:15pm to 1:45pm Break
1:45pm to 2:40pm Depression/Anxiety
Morning Sessions
Case-Based Workshop Sessions C1 – C4
Afternoon Sessions
Anne D. Emmerich, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
2:40pm to 2:45pm Break
2:45pm to 3:40pm COPD and Interstitial Lung Disease
Walter J. O’Donnell, MD
3:40pm to 3:55pm Break
3:55pm to 4:50pm Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Therapies: Choices and
Rachel P. Rosovsky, MD
4:50pm to 5:05pm Break
5:05pm to 6:00pm Workshop Sessions D
D1 Supporting the Independence and Autonomy of Older
Amanda Berling, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit and End-of-Life Care Study in
D2 Opioid and Buprenorphine Management
Kevin D. Kapila, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit and Pain Management
Training in Massachusetts
D3 Female Urinary Incontinence
Emily C. Von Bargen, DO
D4 Otolaryngology in Primary Care
Stacey T. Gray, MD and Alicia M. Quesnel, MD
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
6:00pm to 7:00pm Break
7:00pm to 8:00pm Primary Care Payment Reform: The Dawn of a New Era?
John D. Goodson, MD
Case-Based Workshop Sessions D1 – D4
Evening Program
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Morning Sessions
8:00am to 8:55am Active Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
David J.R. Steele, MD
8:55am to 9:00am Break
9:00am to 9:55am Current Approaches to Anemia
Lisa B. Weissmann, MD
9:55am to 10:00am Break
10:00am to 10:55am Liver Diseases of Primary Care Practice
Raymond T. Chung, MD
10:55am to 11:10am Break
11:10am to 12:05pm Workshop Sessions E
E1 Therapeutic Approaches to the Shoulder
C. Christopher Smith, MD
E2 Concussions: On the Field and in the Office
Patricia A. Gibbons, MD
E3 Case Studies in Office Endocrinology
J. Carl Pallais, MD, MPH
E4 Allergy and Urticaria
James A. MacLean, MD
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
12:05pm to 12:20pm Break
12:20pm to 1:15pm Treating Tobacco Use: Optimizing for Enduring Outcomes
Nancy A. Rigotti, MD
1:15pm to 1:45pm Break
1:45pm to 2:40pm The Four Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine: Knowledge, Skills,
Tools, and Self-Care
Edward M. Phillips, MD
2:40pm to 2:45pm Break
2:45pm to 3:40pm Updates in Headaches: Assessment and Treatment
Case-Based Workshop Sessions E1 – E4
Afternoon Sessions
Brian E. McGeeney, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
3:40pm to 3:55pm Break
3:55pm to 4:50pm An Organized Approach to the Broad Range of Bowel
Kyle D. Staller, MD, MPH
4:50pm to 5:05pm Break
5:05pm to 6:00pm Workshop Sessions F
F1 Challenges in Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Noncancer Pain
Richard J. Pels, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit and Pain Management
Training in Massachusetts
F2 Managing Alcohol Use Disorder in Primary Care Practice
Ellie Grossman, MD
F3 Dermatology A-Z: Refresher for Primary Care
Daniela Kroshinsky, MD, MPH
F4 Mild Neurocognitive Disorders: Evaluation and Management
Decisions at the Gateway to Dementia
James M. Ellison, MD, MPH
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
8:00am to 8:55am Osteoporosis
John D. Goodson, MD
8:55am to 9:00am Break
9:00am to 9:55am Differential Diagnosis of Polyarthritis
Robert P. Friday, MD, PhD
9:55am to 10:00am Break
10:00am to 10:55am Optimizing Treatment and Care of Your Patients with Diabetes
David M. Nathan, MD
Case-Based Workshop Sessions F1 – F4
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Morning Sessions
10:55am to 11:10am Break
11:10am to 12:05pm Workshop Sessions G
G1 Diabetes Workshop: Developing Strategies for the Most
Challenging Patients in Your Practice
Deborah J. Wexler, MD
G2 Lower Back Pain
Dana H. Kotler, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
G3 Supplement Safety: Exploring the Risks of the ‘High-Risk’
Supplements Your Patients Are Using (without Telling You)
Pieter Cohen, MD
G4 Ophthalmology in Primary Care
Mina A. Farahani, MD, MS
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
12:05pm to 12:20pm Break
12:20pm to 1:15pm Can’t-Miss Neurology Cases
Bernard S. Chang, MD
1:15pm to 1:45pm Break
1:45pm to 2:40pm Managing COVID-19 in the Outpatient Setting
Rajesh T. Gandhi, MD
2:40pm to 2:45pm Break
2:45pm to 3:40pm Neurocardiology
Martin A. Samuels, MD, DSc(hon), FAAN, MACP, FRCP, FANA
3:40pm to 3:55pm Break
3:55pm to 4:50pm Contemporary Management of Heart Failure
Gregory D. Lewis, MD
4:50pm to 5:05pm Break
5:05pm to 6:00pm Workshop Sessions H
Case-Based Workshop Sessions G1 – G4
Afternoon Sessions
Case-Based Workshop Sessions H1 – H4
H1 Wrist and Hand Complaints: Evaluation and Treatment
Charles S. Day, MD, MBA, FAOA
H2 Prostate Problems and Challenges
Heidi Rayala, MD, PhD
H3 Case Studies in Movement Disorders
Albert Hung, MD, PhD
H4 Complications and Challenges of Patients Who Use Medical or
Recreational Marijuana: Red Flags in Clinical Practice
David Shein, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit and Medical
MarijuanaTraining in Massachusetts
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
8:00am to 8:55am Our Role in Disease Prevention: Screening and Vaccination
John D. Goodson, MD
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
8:55am to 9:00am Break
9:00am to 9:55am Sleep Disorders: Assessment and Therapeutic Options
John W. Winkelman, MD, PhD
9:55am to 10:00am Break
10:00am to 10:55am Atrial Fibrillation
E. Kevin Heist, MD, PhD
10:55am to 11:10am Break
11:10am to 12:05pm Workshop Sessions I
I1 The Art of Coaching
Kerri Palamara McGrath, MD
I2 Contraception: Common Problems Faced in Office Practice
Jane S. Sillman, MD
I3 Therapeutic Approaches to Foot and Ankle Problems
George H. Theodore, MD
Friday, October 21, 2022
Morning Sessions
Case-Based Workshop Sessions I1 – I4
I4 Trauma-Informed Telehealth: Strategies for Effective Care
Sadie Elisseou, MD
All sessions will be recorded as they are live streamed and placed in
the online course video library, enabling registrants to view more than
one workshop. The video library will be available for 90 days after the
conclusion of the course.
12:05pm to 12:20pm Break
12:20pm to 1:15pm Radiology Update: How to Optimally Employ Imaging in
Ramin Khorasani, MD, MPH
Meets criteria for Risk Management credit in Massachusetts
1:15pm to 1:45pm Break
1:45pm to 2:40pm Long COVID: What We Need to Know
Jason H. Maley, MD
2:40pm to 2:45pm Break
2:45pm to 3:40pm Asthma Update: New Guidelines and New Choices
Christopher H. Fanta, MD
3:40pm to 3:55pm Break
3:55pm to 4:50pm Obesity Treatment in Primary Care
Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Afternoon Sessions
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