Gulfcoast: Ultrasound-Guided Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks for Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound Guided Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks for Emergency Medicine Training Video presentation incorporates comprehensive lectures covering an overview of needle guidance basics, indications/applications for performing emergency applications for ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia of the lower extremities. Miscellaneous compartment nerve blocks, case presentations, and billing/coding guidelines is also covered.
- Overview of Needle Guidance Basics
- Indications and Applications for Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks
- Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks for the Lower Extremity: Anatomic Territories, Femoral Nerve, SFAST, Sciatic Nerve, Ankle Blocks
- Ultrasound-Guided Miscellaneous Compartment Blocks: TAP, PEC1, PEC II, Serratus Anterior, Dorsal Penile Nerve Block
- Lower Extremity Nerve Block Case Studies
- Billing and Coding
- Increase the participants’ knowledge and competence to perform ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia for emergency medicine applications.
- List the advantages of using ultrasound-guided nerve block techniques.
- Demonstrate imaging techniques for performing ultrasound-guided lower extremities regional anesthesia nerve blocks.
- Perform TAP, PECC 1, PECC II, and Dorsal Penile blocks using ultrasound guidance
- Increase confidence to incorporate protocols, scan techniques, and interpretation criteria to integrate the skills learned into clinical practice.