- Increase knowledge and competence pertaining to the general principals and practical applications of regenerative medicine procedures for MSK applications
- Outline new ultrasound guided procedures for ligaments and tendon injuries
- State the preparation, harvest, and procedural protocols for prolotherapy, PRP, bone marrow, and Lipoaspirate treatments
- List the primary conditions that benefit most from MSK regenerative medicine techniques
- Outline ultrasound-guided injection techniques for spine interventions
- List the diagnostic considerations for performing ultrasound-guided intervention for the spine
- State the role of ultrasound guided regenerative medicine interventions for musculoskeletal disorders.
- Advanced MSK Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in Rehabilitative Medicine
- Prolotherapy: General Principles/Practical Applications
- PRP: General Principles/Practical Applications
- Bone Marrow & Lipoaspiate: General Principles/Practical Applications
- Introduction to Spine Ultrasound: S/I Joints and Facets
- Ultrasound Guided Interventions: Carpal Tunnel Release, Hydrodissections & More
- Advanced & Regenerative Medicine Case Studies
- Regenerative Medicine Interventions: Knee OA, Rotator Cuff Tears, Epicondylitis, Jumper’s Knee and Achilles Tendon Injuries
- Regenerative Medicine Procedural Demonstrations-PRP Applications: Ankle, Shoulder and Knee
- Regenerative Medicine Procedural Demonstrations-Bone Marrow and Lipoaspirate: SI Joint, Knee, Thumb, Percutaneous Tenotomy
Date of Original Release: 7/10/2020