GCUS Introduction to Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound 2022 (VIDEOS)
GCUS Introduction to Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound 2022 Introduction to Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound Online Course is the first step in obtaining a strong foundation to begin performing and/or interpreting peripheral vascular duplex/color flow & indirect PV ultrasound examinations. The peripheral vascular ultrasound protocols are taught in accordance with AIUM and IAC guidelines.
- Increase the participants’ knowledge to better perform and/or interpret upper and lower Peripheral Vascular ultrasound examinations.
- Apply knowledge of the anatomy/physiology of the upper & lower extremity venous and arterial systems into the venous & arterial duplex and physiologic testing examinations.
- Cite Doppler/color physics and be able to (sonographers) apply these principles to optimize system controls and/or (physicians) utilize this information for recognizing technical errors which may result in misdiagnosis.
- Perform routine scan protocols, and document Doppler waveforms for lower extremity arterial and venous evaluations of the upper and lower extremity.
- Differentiate normal/abnormal imaging, spectral Doppler and color characteristics for identifying arterial and venous disease.
- State the indications and applications of indirect testing methods for lower arterial disease.
- Demonstrate vein mapping techniques to identify suitability as a potential arterial bypass graft.
- Perform routine scan protocols and document Doppler waveforms for venous evaluation of the lower extremities, including pre and post vein ablation evaluation.
- State the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of venous insufficiency.
- Perform evaluation for venous insufficiency and patency of perforators for vein therapy treatment.
- Cite the sonographic appearance of an abdominal aortic and popliteal aneurysm.
- List the diagnostic criteria for aneurysm evaluation.
- List the etiology of pseudo-aneurysm.
- Recognize the duplex/color characteristics associated with pseudoaneurysm
- Doppler and Color Fundamentals
- Venous Anatomy, Scan Techniques and Normal Characteristics
- Duplex/Color Evaluation of Upper and Lower Extremity DVT
- Duplex/Color Evaluation of Venous Insufficiency
- Duplex/Color Evaluation for Venous Ablation Procedures
- Arterial Anatomy and Physiology
- Direct Testing and Duplex/Color Flow Imaging for Upper and Lower Extremity Arterial Examinations
- Ultrasound Evaluation of Arterial Bypass Grafts
- Evaluation of Aortic Aneurysm, Popliteal Aneurysm
- Pseudo-Aneurysm & Thrombin Injection Techniques
Reviewed for content accuracy: 5/22/2022
This edition valid for credit through: 5/22/2023