GCUS Duplex/Color Evaluation of Venous Insufficiency 2019
GCUS Duplex/Color Evaluation of Venous Insufficiency Course is the first step in obtaining a strong foundation to begin performing and/or interpreting venous duplex/color flow ultrasound examinations. The venous ultrasound protocols are taught in accordance with AIUM and IAC guidelines. In addition, a comprehensive review of diagnostic criteria for evaluation of DVT, venous insufficiency, and pre/post mapping for vein ablation procedures is also provided.
- This self-directed course is designed with six modules and includes online video lectures, case presentations, and post-activity quizzes. Seventeen venous case studies are also included. Enrollment is valid for 12 months (365 days) and begins the moment the participant is enrolled. Extend your online course access another 3 months with the addition of an onsite hands-on workshop or registration for a regularly scheduled GCUS scan workshop.
- Increase the participants’ knowledge to better perform and/or interpret lower extremity venous ultrasound examinations.
- Apply knowledge of the anatomy/physiology of the lower extremity venous system into the venous testing examinations.
- Cite Doppler/color physics and be able to (sonographers) apply these principles to optimize system controls and/or (physicians) utilize this information for recognizing technical errors which may result in misdiagnosis.
- Perform routine scan protocols, and document Doppler waveforms for lower extremity venous evaluations of the lower extremity.
- Differentiate normal/abnormal imaging, spectral Doppler and color characteristics for identifying venous disease.
- Perform routine scan protocols and document Doppler waveforms for venous evaluation of the lower extremities, including pre and post vein ablation evaluation.
- State the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of venous insufficiency.
- Perform evaluation for venous insufficiency and patency of perforators for vein therapy treatment.
- Doppler and Color Fundamentals
- Lower Extremity Venous Imaging: Anatomy and Exam
- Lower Extremity Venous Ultrasound Protocol Video Demonstration
- Lower Extremity Venous Pathology
- Ultrasound Evaluation of Venous Insufficiency and Treatment of Disease
- Ultrasound Evaluation of Venous Insufficiency Scan Demonstration
- Venous Case Studies
Date of Original Release: 11/25/2019
This edition valid for credit through: 11/25/2022