Gastrointestinal Pathology – Masters of Pathology Series 2018 (CME Videos)
Masters of Pathology Series
Gastrointestinal Pathology Keep up with major advances in this dynamic subspecialty review. Earn Lifelong Learning and SAM credits.
Stay Current with Major Advances
This course covers both non-neoplastic and neoplastic pathology of the tubular gastrointestinal tract. The focus on interpreting biopsies rather than resections, since biopsies are what direct the need for large operations and these, in many respects, are the samples that have the greatest impact. In addition to discussion of biopsy interpretation of specific anatomic sites in the tubular gut, lectures address issues that comprise the entire gastrointestinal tract, namely iatrogenic injuries and mesenchymal tumors.
Learning Objectives
After viewing this program, the participant will be better able to:
- Discuss the most recent histopathological classifications of various gastrointestinal polyps and neoplasms that are currently recognized by the WHO in all areas of the gastrointestinal tract, including mesenchymal tumors
- Recognize multiple forms of nonneoplastic injury to the gastrointestinal tract, including iatrogenic injury, disorders of malabsorption, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune and infectious gastritis, and infectious conditions including sexually transmitted disease-associated injury to the anorectal area
- Decide what immunoreactions are most appropriate for validating the diagnosis of the main gastrointestinal tumors
- Describe the main molecular genetic alterations which occur in key gastrointestinal tumors, the knowledge of which are/would be essential for planning future target therapies
- Recognize common mimickers and avoid pitfalls encountered on a regular basis
Intended Audience
Pathologists and Gastroenterologists in practice, Pathology Residents, and Gastroenterology Fellows.
- Adventures in Barrett’s Esophagus – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- Gastric Polyps, Hyperplasias, and Cancer – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- Small Intestinal Non-Neoplastic Pathology – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- A Potpourri of Small Intestinal Neoplasms – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- Colorectal Polyps: Everything Old Is New Again – A Bit of Recent History – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- Gastrointestinal Polyposis Syndromes – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- Mesenchymal Lesions of the GI Tract 1: Old Fashioned Morphology and Modern Science – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- Mesenchymal Lesions of the GI Tract 2 – Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- Gastritis: A Pattern Based Approach – Lysandra Voltaggio, MD
- Practical Approach to Non-IBD Colitides – Lysandra Voltaggio, MD
- Sex, Lies, and GI Tract Biopsies – Lysandra Voltaggio, MD
- Colon Polyps: Common Issues and Rare Birds – Lysandra Voltaggio, MD
- Iatrogenic and Medication Associated Injury of the GI Tract – Lysandra Voltaggio, MD
- Esophageal Pathology: Eosinophils and Other Doozies – Lysandra Voltaggio, MD
- Mimics and Pitfalls in GI Pathology – Lysandra Voltaggio, MD
Date Credits Expire: June 1, 2021
Estimated time to complete this activity: 14 hours