Fradeani MasterClass Minimally Invasive Prosthetic Procedure (MIPP) – Mauro Fradeani, Leonardo Bacherini
The speakers will show you all the protocols that will allow you to apply different types of veneers, such as V-Veneers, Full-Veneers and Buccal-Veneers, and you will learn how to perform the treatment in a minimally invasive way by altering the vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO).
MIPP aims to ensure the strenght of the restorations, re-establish an ideal occlusal relationship for the patient, and maintain the maximum amount of enamel by using the appropriate bonding techniques.
This Masterclass includes:
- 15 theoretical lectures with clinical videos
- An exclusive LIVE Case Discussion with Dr. Mauro Fradeani and Dr. Leonardo Bacherini
- A certificate of completion
By attending this Masterclass you will learn more about:
- Aesthetic parameters: facial, dento-labial, phonetic, dental and gingival
- Functional analysis: Centric Relation, Max Intercuspidation and VDO
- How and when to prepare a tooth and how to prepare a veneer
- The differences among V-Veneers, Full-Veneers and Buccal-Veneers
- The digital vs traditional impression technique
- MIPP classification: 0, 1, 2, 2A, 2B, 3
- The importance of a multidisciplinary approach
- Follow-Up after many years
At the end of the Masterclass you will be able to:
- Digitally plan a proper aesthetic and functional treatment with GetAPP digital planning and other tools such as face scanners
- Minimize the prosthetic treatment invasiveness
- Choose the proper material for every restoration
- Perform predictable, stable and durable prosthetic rehabilitations
- Modify the patient’s VDO
- Define the tooth volume that you want to reach and reduce ceramic thickness by using the proper adhesive procedures
- Choose bonding materials correctly
Who you will learn from
Dr. Fradeani is a worldwide Periodontal and Implant prosthesis expert. Together with Dr. Bacherini, he promotes a learning project that aims to export the italian model of Dentistry worldwide.
Who is the Masterclass for:
This video course is recommended to prosthetists at all levels of experience who want to know more about the treatment of clinical cases of different degrees of complexity.