Complete Conference Management San Diego Heart Failure Symposium for Primary Care and Internal Medicine Physicians 2024 This year’s 24th Annual San Diego Heart Failure Symposium for Primary Care and Internal Medicine Physicians meeting will provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary management strategies for patients with heart failure. The talks, panel discussions and case presentations will focus on best practices and recent guideline recommendations as interpreted by a faculty that is made up of leaders in the field.
- Over the two day course, we will review the full range of management options for patients throughout the spectrum of heart failure, starting with Stage A patients who are identified by the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and extending to those with changes in cardiac structure and function but who remain asymptomatic (Stage B). Additional sessions will provide in depth discussion of the management of symptomatic Stage C patients with HFpEF and HFrEF and the treatment options that are available for patients with Stage D or end-stage heart failure.
- New approaches for diagnosing heart failure and identifying specific groups of patients that require special management considerations (such as amyloid, hypertrophic and genetic cardiomyopathies) will be highlighted as will strategies for successful implementation of guideline directed therapies. Faculty members will discuss the role of drugs, devices and surgical interventions with a focus on the most effective treatment approaches and share their experience in how to best implement them.
- The Symposium combines didactic talks with panel discussions and case presentations to provide a full and balanced perspective of relevant management issues. An addition to the Symposium this year is the input that will be offered by patients who will provide their own unique insights on the various treatment options that are available. Also new to the Symposium are the Coffee with the Faculty and ‘Fascinoma’ sessions that will be held on Friday and Saturday mornings, respectively. These sessions are designed specifically to allow the audience an opportunity to interact with the faculty in a relaxed informal setting while getting the insight of experts in the field on management issues and challenging cases. Our goal, as always, is to provide cutting edge information in a format that will enhance adaption of the knowledge that is gained into clinical practice.
This course is designed for cardiologists, internists, primary care physicians, nurses, PA’s, PharmD’s and all other allied healthcare professionals with an interest in heart failure.
At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Summarize current and emerging treatments available for preventing and treating heart failure and provide information to help in the selection of the most effective choices in individual patients.
- Review strategies for implementing medical and device therapies that will lead to improved outcomes in heart failure patients.
- Define how specific populations including minorities, women and the elderly respond to various approaches to treating risk factors and heart failure.
- Agenda.pdf
- Amyloid Heart Disease, Hypertrophic Other Forms of Inherited Cardiomyopathy Case Presentation and QA Session.mp4
- Amyloid Heart Disease, Hypertrophic Other Forms of Inherited Cardiomyopathy Genetic Testing for Cardiomyopathy and Other Cardiovascular Diseases.mp4
- Amyloid Heart Disease, Hypertrophic Other Forms of Inherited Cardiomyopathy New Options for Managing Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.mp4
- Amyloid Heart Disease, Hypertrophic Other Forms of Inherited Cardiomyopathy Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH).mp4
- Amyloid Heart Disease, Hypertrophic Other Forms of Inherited Cardiomyopathy Rare Causes of Cardiomyopathy Novel Emerging Therapies.mp4
- Amyloid Heart Disease, Hypertrophic Other Forms of Inherited Cardiomyopathy Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease.mp4
- Amyloid Heart Disease, Hypertrophic Other Forms of Inherited Cardiomyopathy Using Biomarkers To Identify and Manage Heart Failure.mp4
- Defining Heart Failure Stages Preventing Disease Progression Advances in Therapy Additional and Emerging Therapies for Stage C HFrEF.mp4
- Defining Heart Failure Stages Preventing Disease Progression Advances in Therapy Case Presentation.mp4
- Defining Heart Failure Stages Preventing Disease Progression Advances in Therapy Living With Heart Failure – A Patient’s Perspective.mp4
- Defining Heart Failure Stages Preventing Disease Progression Advances in Therapy Managing Patients with Stage B Asymptomatic Heart Failure.mp4
- Defining Heart Failure Stages Preventing Disease Progression Advances in Therapy Monitoring Devices To Identify and Treat Congestion.mp4
Defining Heart Failure Stages Preventing Disease Progression Advances in Therapy Optimizing Therapies for Heart Failure – What’s the Optimal Time to Do It and What’s the Best Strategy.mp4 - Preventing Heart Failure Defining and Treating Dyslipidemia.mp4
- Preventing Heart Failure New Options for Treating the Obese Patient.mp4
- Preventing Heart Failure Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Our Patients QA and Panel Discussion.mp4
- Preventing Heart Failure Role of Inflammation in Cardiovascular Disease Implications for Therapy.mp4
- Preventing Heart Failure Therapeutic Options for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Focus on Preventing Cardiovascular Disease.mp4
- Preventing Heart Failure Treating Risk Factors – A Patients Perspective.mp4
- Preventing Heart Failure What Should Our Goals Be in Treating High Blood Pressure and How Can We Best Reach Them.mp4
- Preventing Thromboemboli, Advances in Treating HFpEF, Managing Stage D Heart Failure Advanced Stage D Heart Failure Recognizing Patients at Risk and Optimal Timing for Referral to a Heart Failure Specialist.mp4
- Preventing Thromboemboli, Advances in Treating HFpEF, Managing Stage D Heart Failure Advanced Therapies for Heart Failure – A Patient’s Perspective.mp4
- Preventing Thromboemboli, Advances in Treating HFpEF, Managing Stage D Heart Failure Case Presentation Q and A.mp4
- Preventing Thromboemboli, Advances in Treating HFpEF, Managing Stage D Heart Failure Devices for Preventing Thromboemboli in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.mp4
- Preventing Thromboemboli, Advances in Treating HFpEF, Managing Stage D Heart Failure Devices to Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death and to Improve Heart Function.mp4
- SPECIAL FEATURED LECTURE I Recognition and Management of Adult Congenital Heart Failure (ACHD).mp4
- SPECIAL FEATURED LECTURE II Recognizing and Treating Patients with Amyloidosis.mp4
- SPECIAL FEATURED LECTURE III Managing Patients with Stage C HFrEF.mp4
- SPECIAL FEATURED LECTURE IV Recognizing and Treating Patients with HFpEF.mp4