Oakstone The Brigham Board Review in Rheumatology 2020
- Include: 37 videos + 2 pdfs, size: 5.27 GB
- Target Audience: rheumatologist
1. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Brief Review of Differential Diagnosis _ Initial Treatment.mp4
2. Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis.mp4
3. RA – Biologics _ Small Molecules.mp4
4. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – Clinical Manifestations.mp4
5. Basic Science for the Rheumatologist.mp4
6. The Treatment of Lupus.mp4
7. Clinical Manifestations _ Treatment of Antiphospholipid Syndrome.mp4
8. Pregnancy _ the Rheumatic Diseases.mp4
9. Scleroderma – Clinical Features _ Therapeutics.mp4
10. Sjogren’s _ Related Anti-Ro La Antibody Syndromes.mp4
11. Psoriatic Arthritis.mp4
12. Axial Spondyloarthritis.mp4
13. Large Vessel Vasculitis.mp4
14. ANCA-associated Vasculitis.mp4
15. Vasculitic Syndromes.mp4
16. Osteoporosis.mp4
17. Osteoarthritis.mp4
18. Common Clinical Conditions in the Elbow, Wrist _ Hand.mp4
19. The Shoulder _ Knee in Sports.mp4
20. Common Foot _ Ankle Disorders.mp4
21. Diagnosis, Treatment _ Management of Low Back _ Leg Pain.mp4
22. Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies.mp4
23. Imaging of Arthritis – Part I – Radiographic Evaluation of Arthritis.mp4
24. Imaging of Arthritis – Part II – Advanced Imaging in Rheumatology.mp4
25. Septic Arthritis.mp4
26. Lyme Disease Update.mp4
27. Preventing Infections – Screening, Prophylaxis _ Immunizations.mp4
28. Autoinflammatory Diseases.mp4
29. Challenges in Dermato-Rheumatology.mp4
30. Sarcoidosis – A Rheumatologist’s Perspective.mp4
31. Brief Encounters with Unusual Rheumatic Diseases.mp4
32. Systemic Rheumatic Syndromes.mp4
33. Rheumatic Syndromes with Cancer Immunotherapy.mp4
34. Lung Disease in the Rheumatic Diseases.mp4
35. Interventional Pain Management.mp4
36. Crystal-Related Arthropathies.mp4
37. Pediatric Rheumatology.mp4