Harvard 21st Biennial Course in Urologic Oncology 2022
Biennial Course in Urologic Oncology
2022 Course Overview
Who Should Attend
- Primary Care Physicians
- Specialty Physicians
- Nurses
- Nurse Practitioners
- Pharmacists
- Physician Assistants
- Psychologists
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate the optimal management of oligometastatic prostate, bladder, renal cancer
- Explain the role of immunotherapy in the management of bladder, prostate and renal cancer
- Determine how to incorporate genomic classifiers, multiple parametric MRI, and clinical parameters into selecting optimal patients with prostate cancer for active surveillance or other definitive management approaches
- Apply Level 1 evidence on the use of novel treatment paradigms and updated surveillance options for patients with prostate, renal, bladder, or testicular cancer
- Apply novel minimally invasive treatments for GU malignancies including prostate, bladder and kidney cancer
- Use multiparametric MRI, fusion biopsy and novel markers in men at risk for prostate cancer
Anthony D’Amico
Epidemiology and Genetics
Lorelei Mucci
Screening in 2022: Role of PSA and Novel Biomakers
Adam Kibel
Advanced in Multiparametric MRI for Diagnosis and Staging
Clare Tempany
Interpreting Prostrate Biopsy Reports
Michelle Hirsch
Expert Panel: Screening and Diagnosis
Moderator: Anthony D’Amico
Speakers: Michelle Hirsch, Adam Kibel, Lorelei Mucci and Clare Tempany
Focal Ablation and Active Surveillance in Intermediate Risk Disease
Alexander Cole
Radical Prostatectomy in Intermediate Risk Disease
Quoc-Dien Trin
Hypofractionation and ADT use in Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer
Neil Martin
MRI Guided Radiation therapy
Jonathan Leeman
Optimizing Systemic Therapy in the Management of Intermediate and High-Risk Prostate Cancer
Anthony D’Amico
Novel Approaches in the Preoperative Setting for the High-Risk Patient
Mary-Ellen Taplin
Biomarker Based Clinical Trials and Prostate Cancer
Martin Gleave
Expert Panel: Patient Selection
Moderator: Anthony D’Amico
Speakers: Alexander Cole, Martin Gleave, Jonathan Leeman, Neil Martin, Mary-Ellen Taplin, Quoc-Dien Trinh
PET Imaging in the PSA Recurrent Setting-Diagnostics
Heather Jacene
Treatment of Oligo Metastatic Disease, Integration of Surgery
Speaker: Martin Gleave
Treatment of Oligo Metastatic Disease, Integration of Radiation
Paul Nguyen
Precision Medicine in Prostate Cancer
Himisha Beltran
Expert Panel: Updates in Diagnostics and Special Populations
Moderator: Adam Kibel
Speakers: Himisha Beltran, Martin Gleave, Heather Jacene and Paul Nguyen
Adjuvant versus Salvage Radiation
Anthony D’Amico
Management of the Rising PSA in the Patient with M0 Castrate Sensitive Prostate Cancer
Charles Ryan
Management of Advanced Prostate Cancer in the Elderly
Alicia Morgans
Survivorship and Side effects of ADT
Phil Saylor
Management of Side Effects of Radical Prostatectomy in the Denovo and Recurrent Settings
Peter Chang
Management of Side Effects of Radiation Therapy in the Denovo and Recurrent Settings
Daniel Schmidt
Management of the Side Effects of Non-ADT Systemic Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Mark Pomerantz
Expert Panel: Management of Treatment Related Toxicity and Recurrent Disease
Moderator: Adam Kibel
Speakers: Peter Chang, Anthony D’Amico, Alicia Morgans, Mark Pomerantz, Charles Ryan, Phil Saylor and Daniel Schmidt
Management of the Rising PSA in the Patient with M0 Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer
Atish Choudhury
Personalizing Treatment Selection in Metastatic, Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer
Christopher Sweeney
Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer
Xiao Wei
Novel Androgen Receptor Targeted therapy of Castrate Resistant M1 PC
PET Imaging in the PSA Recurrent Setting – Therapeutics
Praful Ravi
Expert Panel: Management of Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Moderator: Glenn Bubley
Speakers: Atish Choudhury, Praful Ravi, Charles Ryan, Christopher Sweeney, and Xiao Wei
Special Lecture, Kidney Development and Wilms Tumor: Prospects for Regeneration
George Daley
Role of Biomarkers in Diagnosis and Follow-up
Adam Feldman
Management of Superficial Bladder Cancer
Angela Smith
Genomics and its Role in the Management of Bladder Cancer
Joaquim Bellmunt
Management of Upper Tract Disease
Matthew Mossanen
Urinary Diversion after Cystectomy, Choices and Outcomes
Andrew Wagner
Lymph Node Dissection and Approaches to Radical Cystectomy
Mark Preston
Judah Folkman Lecture: Emerging Strategies in the Fight Against Covid-19
Lindsey Baden
Genomic Predictors of Response to Chemotherapy
Kent Mouw
Personalizing Bladder Cancer Treatment in Variant Histology
Angela Smith
Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Chemotherapy
Richard Lee
Bladder Sparing Approaches
Jason Efstathiou
Chemo and Immunotherapy for Advanced Urothelial Cancer
Joaquim Bellmunt
Expert Panel: Bladder Cancer
Moderator: Adam Kibel
Speakers: Joaquim Bellmunt, Jason Efstathiou, Adam Feldman, Richard Lee, Kent Mouw, Matthew Mossanen, Mark Preston, Angela Smith and Andrew Wagner
Management of Seminoma
Alok Tewari
Management of Stage I non-seminoma
Timothy Clinton
Updates in Radiation Therapy in Testis Cancer
Sophia Kamran
Management of Advanced Disease-Chemotherapy
Christopher Sweeney
Emerging Role of Genomics in Testis Cancer
Eliezer Van Allen
Expert Panel: Testis Cancer
Moderator: Jerome Richie
Speakers: Timothy Clinton, Sophia Kamran, Christopher Sweeney, Alok Tewari and Eliezer Van Allen
Tackling Tumor Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Kimryn Rathmell
Updated in the Pathology Classification of Renal Cell Cancer
Michelle Hirsch
Role of Observation and Ablation for Small Renal Mass
Aria Olumi
Radical or Partial Nephrectomy: Techniques and Innovations
Steven Chang
Managing the Primary when Metastatic and Metastatectomy
Keyan Salari
Adjuvant Strategies in RCC
Toni Choueiri
Advanced Disease: First Line Options
Vincent Xu
Advanced Disease: Post IO Setting
David McDermott
Non Clear Cell RCC
Bradley McGregor
Novel Targets Beyond Targeted Agents and IO Drugs
Xin Gao
Expert Panel: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Moderator: Tonu Choueiri
Speakers: Steven Chang, Xin Gao, Michelle Hirsch, David McDermott, Bradley McGregor, Aria Olumi, Kimryn Rathmell, Keyan Salari and Vincent Xu