Beyond Exocad 2022 Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
Beyond Exocad
Basic, Intermediate, Advanced8 Parts (5.8 GB) (7H)
- 1- Intro
- Fast Review about Exo
- Fast Review about Cad
- Trick about Exo…How to changes patient’s name folder
- Trick about HotKeys (ecc…)
- 2- Tips
- Matching-Alignment
- Add/Remove Option
- Edit Mesh
- Change tooth library
- (ZIRCONIA)Par. for diff. type of preps
- Change Orientation
- How to import .dentalProject
- Parameters for different materials
- 3- Basic Level
- Project to make a single anatomic or reduced crown over natural tooth
- Design anatomic or reduced single crown into end out of wizard over natural teeth
- Project to make reduced crown over implant (Screw Retained and Screw Retained Manuel Position)
- Design reduced crown over implant (Screw Retained and Screw Retained Manual Position)
- Project and design Veneer
- Basic Practice
- 4- Intermediate Level
- Project for full arch over natural teeth
- Design for full arch over natural teeth
- Project and Design full arch over implants (Screw Retained Manual Position)
- Project and Design custom Abutment
- Project and Design Hybrid Abutment
- Project and Design Virtual WaxUp over IMPLANTs (EXOCAD PROTOCOL)
- Diagnostic Waxup
- Provisional Module (Project and Design)
- Shell
- Intermediate Practice
- 5- Advance Level
- Project to make Virtual Waxup
- Design Virtual Waxup
- Integration of Blender or Rhinoceros
- Project to make Virtual Wax-up adapted over Temp Abutments (PMMA)
- Design Virtual Wax-Up adapted over Temp Abutments(PMMA)
- (PART1)Project and Design to make costume Ti-Bar
- (PART 2)Project and Design to make costume Ti-Bar
- Project to make Zr Frame over Ti-Bar
- Design Zr Frame over Ti-Bar
- Finalize Zr Frame
- Finalize Zr Frame w Blender
- Project to make Basic bar over implants
- Design Basic Bar over implants
- Advance Practice
- 6- Bonus
- How to put teeth library into Exocad
- Software to create teeth library-ToothModelEditor-
- How to create your own teeth library with ToothModelEditor
- Blender 2.63a
- How to put implants library into Exocad
- Protocol for labs and dentists for FULL ARCH RESTORATION
- Material parameters for different Restorations
- Ti-base angles screw channel
- How to Change Dies while Designing
- HACK!!Copy Implant library(PART 1).
- HACK!!Copy Implant library(PART 2)
- How to copy a ScanBody
- 7- Model Creator
- Dies Parameters
- Model Setting
- How to put model creator ‘s analogs into Exocad
- Lab Analogs and Removable Gingiva
- Model Creator Practice
- How to Create a Model with Multiple meshes(Coming Soon)
- 8- Smile Creator Module
- Smile Creator