ASNC 2021 Nuclear Cardiology Board Prep Exam Course (CME VIDEOS)
Board Exam Prep Course Program Overview
ASNC Board Prep OnDemand is the ideal tool to assist with superior preparation for the Nuclear Cardiology Board Examination. You can also earn up to 26.5* CME credits and MOC points, if applicable.
The board prep course is engineered to help participants appraise knowledge of physics and instrumentation associated with nuclear imaging, explain image acquisition and processing, integrate radiation safety standards into professional practice, understand PET imaging and interpret SPECT, PET, and ventricular function imaging, discuss the use of nuclear imaging in assessment viability, and much more.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply nuclear cardiovascular imaging physics and instrumentation
- Explain image acquisition and processing considerations and identify associated artifacts
- Discuss the production and management of radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals
- Incorporate patient-centered imaging principles and appropriate use considerations in nuclear cardiology and stress procedure selection
- Incorporate risk stratification into selection and application of nuclear cardiology studies
- Integrate radiation safety standards into professional nuclear cardiology practice
- Apply nuclear imaging tools in assessment of myocardial viability and cardiac amyloidosis
- Understand the basics of positron emission tomography (PET) imaging for myocardial perfusion and metabolic viability and sarcoidosis assessment
- Interpret SPECT and PET perfusion and metabolic images and ventricular function imaging
- Utilize myocardial perfusion imaging in the assessment, diagnosis, and response to therapy in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease and special populations
- Appropriately identify non-cardiac findings on SPECT and PET-CT cardiovascular imaging studies
- Integrate nuclear cardiology into the multimodality imaging evaluation of cardiovascular disease
Content of this course
- Artifact Recognition.mp4
- Artifact Recognition.pdf
- Cardiac PET Basics of Perfusion, Viability, and Sarcoidosis.mp3
- Cardiac PET Basics of Perfusion, Viability, and Sarcoidosis.mp4
- Cardiac PET Basics of Perfusion, Viability, and Sarcoidosis.pdf
- Cases with the Experts, PET.mp3
- Cases with the Experts, PET.mp4
- Cases with the Experts, PET.pdf
- Cases with the Experts, SPECT.mp3
- Cases with the Experts, SPECT.mp4
- Cases with the Experts, SPECT.pdf
- Focused Topic 99mTc PYP Imaging for Cardiac TTR Amyloidosis, Key Points, and Case….mp4
- Focused Topic 99mTc PYP Imaging for Cardiac TTR Amyloidosis, Key Points, and Case.mp3
- Focused Topic 99mTc PYP Imaging for Cardiac TTR Amyloidosis, Key Points, and Case.pdf
- Focused Topic Nuclear Integration in Multimodality Imaging.mp3
- Focused Topic Nuclear Integration in Multimodality Imaging.mp4
- Focused Topic Nuclear Integration in Multimodality Imaging.pdf
- Focused Topic SPECT Viability Protocols, Case review.mp3
- Focused Topic SPECT Viability Protocols, Case review.mp4
- Focused Topic SPECT Viability Protocols, Case review.pdf
- Gated SPECT.mp4
- Gated SPECT.pdf
- Instrumentation (SPECT and PET).mp3
- Instrumentation (SPECT and PET).mp4
- Instrumentation (SPECT and PET).pdf
- Instrumentation Quality Control.mp3
- Instrumentation Quality Control.mp4
- Instrumentation Quality Control.pdf
- Patient-Centered Imaging and Appropriate Use.mp3
- Patient-Centered Imaging and Appropriate Use.mp4
- Patient-Centered Imaging and Appropriate Use.pdf
- Physics for the Boards.mp3
- Physics for the Boards.mp4
- Physics for the Boards.pdf
- Production and Management of Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals.mp3
- Production and Management of Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals.mp4
- Production and Management of Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals.pdf
- Radionuclide Ventricular Function Imaging Basic Lab Techniques, Acquisition, and Interpretation.mp4
- Radionuclide Ventricular Function Imaging Basic Lab Techniques, Acquisition.mp3
- Radionuclide Ventricular Function Imaging Basic Lab Techniques, Acquisition.pdf
- Recorded, Virtual Meeting, September 18th.mp3
- Recorded, Virtual Meeting, September 18th.mp4
- Recorded, Virtual Meeting, September 18th.pdf
- Recorded, Virtual Meeting, September 19th.mp3
- Recorded, Virtual Meeting, September 19th.mp4
- Recorded, Virtual Meeting, September 19th.pdf
- Risk Stratification SPECT.mp3
- Risk Stratification SPECT.mp4
- Risk Stratification SPECT.pdf
- Stress Testing, Image Interpretation, and Protocols.mp3
- Stress Testing, Image Interpretation, and Protocols.mp4
- Stress Testing, Image Interpretation, and Protocols.pdf
- Technical Aspects of Acquisition and Processing.mp3
- Technical Aspects of Acquisition and Processing.mp4
- Technical Aspects of Acquisition and Processing.pdf
- The Basics of Radiation Safety.mp3
- The Basics of Radiation Safety.mp4
- The Basics of Radiation Safety.pdf
- Welcome and Overview.mp3
- Welcome and Overview.mp4
- Welcome and Overview.pdf
Release Date : virtual meeting September 18-19 2021
Link : Agenda