ARRS Thyroid Imaging 2019 (CME VIDEOS)
This Online Course covers the breadth and depth of the field of thyroid imaging. Lectures will include: Thyroid Nodules/Cancer Demographics, Risk Factors; Benign Diseases of the Thyroid; Neck CT/MR Staging of Thyroid Cancer; Ultrasound of the Post-Operative Neck; and much more!
Learning Outcomes and Modules
Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to; describe MR and CT imaging findings of thyroid cancer; discuss pre and post-operative imaging findings of thyroid cancer; and discuss ultrasound findings of thyroid imaging.
Module 1
- Benign Diseases of the Thyroid (Multimodality)
- Thyroid Nodules/Cancer Demographics, Risk Factors
- Ultrasound of Thyroid—Pattern Approach to Nodules (Or When to Biopsy)
- Ultrasound/Pathology Correlation of Thyroid Cancer
Module 2
- Neck CT/MR Staging of Thyroid Cancer
- Ultrasound of the Post-Operative Neck
- The Role of Nuclear Medicine in the Staging and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer (PET, I131)
- Incidental Thyroid Lesions on CT/MR: ACR White Paper Recommendations
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