Cleveland Clinic Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Workshop 2024
Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Include: 14 videos + 16 pdfs, size: 5.32 GB
Why Attend?
Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy As newer and less invasive diagnostic tests and procedures are marketed, many busy practitioners struggle to stay abreast of the developments and how to best use them to improve outcomes in their clinical practices. In the Cleveland Clinic Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Workshop, our expert presenters will discuss the most recent diagnostic tests and procedures along with how they can be used to prevent delays in diagnosis and to eliminate more invasive tests and their accompanying complications.
With two specialized tracks to choose from, attendees will have the opportunity to take deep dives into engaging hands-on instructional sessions, all under the guidance of experts in these fields!
- Physician & Advanced Practice Provider Track – Practice the use of EBUS-TBNA, electromagnetic navigation, robotic bronchoscopy, real time CABT (C-arm based tomography) navigation, ultrasound guided biopsy needle, and airway management.
- Nurse, Technician and Respiratory Therapist Track – Engage in hands-on stations including EBUS-TBNA and cytology slides, electromagnetic navigation, robotic bronchoscopy, real time CABT (C-arm based tomography) navigation, ultrasound guided biopsy needle, airway management, rigid bronchoscopy and stents, hot ablative modalities, cryospray and cryoprobe, and valves, balloons and bronchial blockers.
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Physician & Advanced Practice Provider Track –
- Apply the fundamentals of convex probe endobronchial ultrasound to clinical practice
- Demonstrate techniques of convex probe endobronchial ultrasound
- Use imaging to depict mediastinal anatomy and lymph nodes
- Describe airway management during advanced bronchoscopy procedures
- Describe the roles of transbronchial cryobiopsies
- Describe the roles of bronchoscopy in lung cancer diagnosis and staging
- Describe the importance of biomarkers during the diagnosis and staging of non-small cell lung cancer
- Comprehend the role of biomarker testing in the evaluation of lung nodules
- Describe the role of CT-guided and bronchoscopy for the evaluation of peripheral lung nodules
- Describe the general approach to lung nodule
Nurse, Technician and Respiratory Therapist Track –
- Demonstrate techniques for set up and assistance during the following procedures:
- convex probe endobronchial ultrasound
- robot assisted bronchoscopy
- convex probe endobronchial ultrasound
- during electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy
- cryo biopsies (trans-bronchial for ILD and lung nodules, and EBUS assisted)
- Demonstrate techniques for rapid onsite cytology evaluation slide preparation during advanced bronchoscopic techniques
- Demonstrate techniques for set up and assistance during the following procedures:
- rigid bronchoscopy
- endobronchial stent placement
- endobronchial “hot ablative” modalities (APC, laser, electrocautery)
- cryospray therapy and cryo probe during endobronchial interventions
- endobronchial valves placement
- endobronchial balloon use and endobronchial blockers placement
Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Who Should Attend?
Pulmonologists, pulmonary fellows, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, nurses, technicians, and respiratory therapists will gain hands-on experience using new techniques along with expert reviews of the principles and applicable guidelines.
Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
- Advanced bronchoscopy specimen acquisition, processing, rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) and genotyping during the era of targeted therapy.mp4
Advanced bronchoscopy specimen acquisition, processing, rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) and genotyping during the era of targeted therapy.pdf
Airway management during advanced bronchoscopy.mp4
Airway management during advanced bronchoscopy.pdf
Biomarkers in the evaluation of lung nodules.mp4
Biomarkers in the evaluation of lung nodules.pdf
Bronchoscopic treatment for malignant peripheral lung nodule, is this for real.mp4
Bronchoscopic treatment for malignant peripheral lung nodule, is this for real.pdf
Cryobiopsy in diagnostic bronchoscopy all you need to know.mp4
Cryobiopsy in diagnostic bronchoscopy all you need to know.pdf
Discussion of cases adenopathy and lung lesions.mp4
Discussion of cases- adenopathy and lung lesions.pdf
Discussion of cases- diagnosis and staging of lung cancer in the era of advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy and targeted airway.mp4
Discussion of cases- diagnosis and staging of lung cancer in the era of advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy and targeted airway.pdf
Molecular testing on TBNA specimen.mp4
Molecular testing on TBNA specimen.pdf
Not so fast, other great peripheral bronchoscopy technologies exist and are also here to stay.mp4
Not so fast, other great peripheral bronchoscopy technologies exist and are also here to stay.pdf
Principles and applications of artificial intelligence in Interventional Pulmonary.mp4
Principles and applications of artificial intelligence in Interventional Pulmonary.pdf
Robotic bronchoscopy for peripheral lesions is the only game in town.mp4
Robotic bronchoscopy for peripheral lesions is the only game in town.pdf
Therapeutic bronchoscopy- understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician – Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete- No.mp4
Therapeutic bronchoscopy- understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician – Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete- No.pdf
Therapeutic bronchoscopy- understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician – Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete- Yes 1.mp4
Therapeutic bronchoscopy- understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician – Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete- Yes 1.pdf
Therapeutic bronchoscopy- understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician – Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete- Yes 2.mp4
Therapeutic bronchoscopy- understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician – Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete- Yes 2.pdf
Therapeutic bronchoscopy- understanding rigid bronchoscopy for the non-IP physician – Rigid bronchoscopy is obsolete- Yes 3.pdf
Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy