40th ISICEM International Symposium on Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine 2021
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130 Videos
Topics :
Day 1
1-COVID-19 the basics
2-COVID-19 management
3-Before the ICU
4-Personalized medicine
5-When to intubate That is the question
6-How much oxygen
7-Analgesia and sedation
9-The role of albumin administration
10-How much fluid
11-Cardiogenic shock
12-The microcirculation
13-Sepsis important concepts
14-Renal replacement therapy.mp4
15-End of life
16-Starting a critical care research program
17-Intra-abdominal hypertension (CD)
18-1COVID-19 requires a specific strategy
19-Therapies for COVID-19
20-Coma and disorders of consciousness
21-Mechanical ventilation
22-Current mamangement of septic shock
23-COVID-19 respiratory management
24-Hematological issues
25-The multiple organ dysfunction syndrome a history
Day 2
1-COVID-19 pathophysiology of respiratory failure
2-COVID-19 a unique form of ARDS
3-COVID-19 pharmacological therapies
4-COVID-19 what happens to the survivors
5-A fresh look at corticosteroids
6-Ventilatory support
7-Prone positioning revisited
8-ARDS management
9-ntracranial hypertension
10-Hemodynamic monitoring
11-Vasopressor therapy when and why
12-Circulatory shock
13-Severe liver disease
14-Metabolic fine-tuning
15-Revisiting Acidemia
17-Massive bleeding
18-0Severe infections
19-Preventing renal failure
20-Blood purification
21-The golden hour a failed concept
22-How I apply TTM after cardiac arrest
23-s there a place for artificial colloid solutions in the perioperative setting
24-Liberal use of parenteral nutrition in the critically ill
25-Control of hypercapnia by ECCO2R in severe ARDS
26-Promoting gender equity in intensive care
27-Promoting gender equity in intensive care_2
28-Oral Poster Presentations
29-TTM in cardiac arrest from non-shockable rhythms
30-An interactive and practical approach to cerebral oximetry
31-Management of subarachnoid hemorrhage
32-Temperature management in head trauma
33-Sepsis biomarkers
34-COVID-19 requires a specific strategy
35-Severe ARDS
36-Arrhythmia management
37-The pregnant patient
38-How to improve presenting skills
39-Evaluation of platelets function in the ICU
40-Assessment of thrombocytopenia
41-Circulatory effects of mechanical ventilation
42-Optimal use of CPAP.
43-How I feed my patient
44-Critical bleeding the near future
45-Pulmonary hypertension
46-Refeeding syndrome
Day 3
1-COVID-19 infectious complications
2-COVID-19 metabolic support
3-COVID-19 other organ involvement
4-COVID-19 coagulopathy
5-ARDS as a syndrome
11-Nutritional support
12-The future of sepsis therapies
13-Working together
14-Antibiotic therapy
15-Antibiotic therapy_2
16-Life after Intensive Care
17-Quality of care
18-Renal dysfunction
19-Postanoxic brain damage
20-0Big data and AI
21-1Interacting with relatives
22-Should we use indirect calorimetry to guide nutrition
23-How to minimize delirium
24-What we did wrong during COVID-19
25-imPURE project – Medical supplies how could Europe be more self-efficient
26-Severe pancreatitis
27-Dosing of anti-infective drugs during extracorporeal therapies
28-Diabetic ketoacidosis
29-Passive leg raising and fluid challenges
30-How to approach patients with ARDS of unknown origin
31-What is new in CPR
32-CAR T-cell related complications
33-Mechanical ventilation in COPD
34-Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony
Day 4
1-COVID-19 what we´ve learned
2-COVID-19 a view from inside the ICU
3-COVID-19 what´s relevant to other forms of Sepsis
4-Subarachnoid hemorrhage
5-Traumatic brain injury
6-The importance of the gut
7-The surgical patient
9-Post ICU syndrome
10-Clinical trials room for improvement
12-After cardiac arrest
13-New guidelines