2023 Lips for Kiss Course VIP Pack
The best and most effective author’s techniques from an international aesthetic trainer
VIP pack consists of 12 lessons including face, botox and fox eyes thread
Detailed explanation of all techniques step by step Recommendation of materials required
You get 12 CPD
- *Russian lips 60 mins,4 models
- *Long needle technique 15 mins 1 model
- *Doll lips 11 min, 1 model
- *Lips dissolve 7 mins, 1 models
- *Bonus video Russian lips 9 mins
- *2 pdf files Russian lips
- * Jawline 40 mins, 3 models, classic needles+PDF file technique description
- * Cheeks 20 mins, 2 models
- * Nosolabial folds 10 minutes, 1 model
- *Chin 10 mins, 1 model
- * Tear trough 8 mins, 1 model
Cannula technique - * Non surgery rhinoplasty
10 mins, 1 model - * Fox eyes
67 mins 2 models, thread technique - *Botox
20 mins, 1 model, forehead, between eyebrows