1-Year Program on Neuromuscular & Functional Orthodontics
One-year program includes all the clinical experience and practical developments of the founders of the fundamental concepts of treatment – the most experienced specialists of the planet in the field of neuromuscular, myofunctional orthodontics and osteopathy.
The course of study begins with an analysis of the basic principles of treatment and etiology of nocturnal apnea; facial pain, smoothly moving on to the analysis of the most complex issues of disorders and recovery of the TMJ. By the end of the training course, you will also master practical techniques dedicated to pasture; diagnosis and treatment of skeletal malocclusion of class II and III.
Nowadays, there are no analogues of this scientific and practical program in the world!
Prof. S. Sato / Prof. J. Orthlieb / Dr. P. Buschang / Dr. S. Olmos, Dr. D. Angelo
26 Webinars – 21 Videos