UCSF Controversies in Women’s Health 2023
UCSF Controversies in Women’s Health 2023
Include: 4 videos + 19 pdfs, size: 4.93 GB
Increasing appreciation of the unique needs of women patients and women health care providers has created a need for innovative educational programs on women’s health. The COVID-19 pandemic has further amplified the need for up-to-date information to address patient care in our transformed clinical practices and care provided via telemedicine.
Attention to health disparities and the care of vulnerable patients and close collaboration with diverse specialists is essential for quality care for all women.
This innovative program will provide a practical update on a full range of common but controversial issues in women’s health. Emphasis will be placed on new developments in preventive care for women, issues in reproductive health, clinical strategies in the diagnosis and treatment of common gynecologic and medical disorders of women, and relevant aspects of COVID. Interactive questions will amplify learning and ample time will be provided for questions and discussion.
This course, taught by UCSF’s best teachers, is presented by the Division of General Internal Medicine, in close collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences. The course is sponsored by the University of California, San Francisco.
UCSF Controversies in Women’s Health 2023
This course is designed for family physicians, internists, gynecologists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and all others involved in providing quality health care for women.
We specifically anticipate improvements in skills and strategies to:
- Discuss and implement new guidelines for prevention and early detection of cancer in women;
- Discuss and implement new vaccine guidelines to prevent common infections;
- Diagnose and treat common and controversial problems in women’s health including heart disease, lipid disorders, osteoporosis, anemia, STIs, HIV, incontinence, anxiety and depression, menopause, and obesity;
- Diagnose and treat common skin conditions in women;
- Counsel patients about best practices in contraception and abortion;
- Understand the impact that COVID-19 has had on women’s health and treat patients with acute and chronic COVID-related conditions;
- Address common clinical issues of older women;
- Manage sexual issues in women;
- Improve the management of chronic pain and substance use disorders;
- Optimize patient communication and shared decision making;
- Develop best practices to address health disparities and care for vulnerable patients;
- Improve interprofessional teamwork and collaboration;
- Advocate for quality health care services for all women.
UCSF Controversies in Women’s Health 2023
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
December 14 AM Session.mp4 (3 hours 40 minutes)
December 14 PM Session.mp4 (3 hours 40 minutes)
December 15 AM Session.mp4 (3 hours 40 minutes)
December 15 PM Session.mp4 (3 hours 40 minutes)
UCSF Controversies in Women’s Health 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
- 7:30 am Continental Breakfast and Course Registration
- 8:10 am Course Webinar Opens
- 8:20 Welcome and Announcements Robert B. Baron, MD, MS Moderator: Robert B. Baron, MD, MS
- 8:30 G Updates and Controversies in Breast Cancer Screening Karla M. Kerlikowske, MD
- 9:10 Discussion
- 9:20 Rx Quality Contraceptive Care: Counseling and Controversies Eleanor Bimla Schwarz, MD, MS
- 10:00 Discussion
- 10:10 Coffee Break
- 10:30 RxG STIs in 2023: Best Practices for Prevention and Treatment Michael Policar, MD MPH
- 11:10 Discussion
- 11:20 RxG Anemia and Women’s Health: We Can Do Much Better Andrew D. Leavitt, MD
- 12:00 pm Discussion
- 12:10 pm Lunch (On Your Own) Moderator: Sara Whetstone, MD
- 1:30 RxG Prevention of Infections in Women: Best Practices in Adult Vaccination Lisa Winston, MD
- 2:10 Discussion
- 2:20 RxG Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis: What’s New and Controversial in 2023? Anne Schafer, MD
- 3:00 Discussion
- 3:10 Coffee Break
- 3:30 Rx Abortion Post-Dobbs: Best Practices in the Current and Future Environment Jennifer Kerns, MD, MS, MPH
- 4:10 Discussion
- 4:20 RxG Dermatology Update: What’s New in Women’s Skin Health Lindy P. Fox, MD
- 5:00 Discussion
- 5:10 pm Adjourn
Friday, December 15, 2023
- 8:00 am Continental Breakfast
- 8:20 am Course Webinar Opens Moderator: Judith M.E. Walsh, MD, MPH
- 8:30 RxG Review of Best Practices for Substance Use Disorder Management in Women Irina (Era) Kryzhanovskaya, MD, FASAM
- 9:10 Discussion
- 9:20 RxG Gynecologic Issues in Older Women Rebecca Jackson, MD
- 10:00 Discussion
- 10:10 Coffee Break
- 10:30 RxG Best Practices in Managing Depression and Anxiety in Women Emma Samelson-Jones, MD
- 11:10 Discussion
- 11:20 RxG Controversies in Cancer Screening 2023 Judith M.E. Walsh, MD, MPH
- 12:00 pm Discussion
- 12:10 pm Lunch (On Your Own) Moderator: Robert B. Baron, MD, MS
- 1:30 RxG Current Controversies in Prevention and Treatment of Heart Disease in Women Rita Redberg, MD, MS
- 2:10 Discussion
- 2:20 RxG Current Controversies in HIV and Covid-19 in Women Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH
- 3:00 Discussion
- 3:10 Coffee Break
- 3:30 RxG Office Assessment and Treatment of Obesity: Diets, Drugs, and Surgery Diana Thiara, MD
- 4:10 Discussion
- 4:20 RxG Managing Common Sexual Concerns in Women Tami Rowen, MD, MS
- 5:00 Discussion
- 5:10 pm Course Adjourns