course recordingS for ABOG EXAM If you can’t come to our course, are trying to get a jump start before the course or want to reinforce what you learned at the course, our ABOG Course Recordings are the best solution to help you pass your ABOG qualifying or certifying exams. When you purchase the Course Recordings you will automatically receive the Course Binder with the accompanying lecture handouts to follow along and take notes. Also included is a free copy of the Test Topics Manual to ensure your studying is exam-focused.
- Over 42 hours of high-yield, exam-focused recordings including OB, ONC, Urogyn, Primary Care, Periop, OFC GYN and REI topics. Includes 2024 updates.
- Test Topics Manual (an ABC syllabus that is based exclusively on the topics that are most likely to occur on your exam)
- Corresponding Course Binder
- 1-year subscription to our audiovisual recordings using ABC’s LMS system, Litmos.* Free mobile app makes it even easier to access course content
- Self-claiming Category II credit hours are available
- View topics
We have selected speakers that best represent your examiner’s perspective. Subspecialty topics are delivered by our MFM, Gyn Oncology, and REI subspecialists, Office Gyn topics by our generalists, and family planning and primary care by our internist. Like your examiners, our speakers are a mix of academicians and private practitioners. Every speaker is a clinician, who walks the talk.